Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 1, 1995
Feast of Saint Mary, MOTHER OF GOD

Dear children, I want to give you my blessing again today. I am the Mother of GOD!
I keep them in my Immaculate Heart, already at the beginning of this year. This year, my dear children, will be a decisive year for the fulfillment of my plans.
I want you to understand, dear children, that my LOVE is very great for you and that is why I never get discouraged in seeking and helping you.
Pray, dear children, that my Immaculate Heart TRIUMPH, and that I may truly lead you all to Jesus. If the Lord did not shorten these days, almost no one could save himself! Look then, how quickly the days pass, how quickly the hours drain away, for nature itself thirsts for the day of the TRIUMPLE of my Immaculate Heart, where everything will be freed from evil and sin!
For this reason, dear children, I beseech you all to join me in prayer, in sacrifice, and in the most perfect openness to all of GOD's plans. Hold on to my Rosary, and intercede at my side, dear children!
I bless you in the Name of the Father. in the Name of the Son. and in the Name of the Holy Spirit".