Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, December 24, 1994
Message of Our Lady

Dear children, today is Christmas Night, the Holy Night! My dear children, as a Merciful Mother, I invite you all to make of your hearts a 'manger' to welcome my Son who is born.
He was born rejected by all, renegade. No 'door' has welcomed him! In the immense cold of that night, the CHILD was born, despised by all, and renegade by all.
With Great LOVE, My Spouse Joseph reclined Him in the 'manger', warming Him with the few straws at his disposal. While the proud didn't want to welcome Him, Joseph and I adored Him with all our hearts, asking the world for Peace!
At this hour the stars shine, the Angels descend to a group of shepherds who guarded their flocks and announce to them the arrival of the Lord. With great joy they believed and reached where we were. They adored Him with joy, recounting the warning they had of the Angel. They came back.
I meditated in the depths of my Heart, all that the Lord showed me. Jesus slept peacefully, and we adored Him.
This Holy Night I give you Jesus and place Him in your hearts so that you may love Him with all your heart!
My children, this Night, I want to repeat to you the same Message from the Angels: PEACE! PEACE! PEACE! Make room for Peace in your hearts! Let the Peace of the Lord dwell in you!
To everyone at this moment, I want to give my Blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".
(Marcos): (On this day the Cross of the Mount illuminated itself, became luminous, and radiated a supernatural LIGHT of its own.
(Marcos): (On this day the Cross of the Mount illuminated itself, became luminous, and radiated a supernatural LIGHT of its own. We prayed the Rosary. Our Lady appeared and blessed us.
St. Bernadette appeared, as in 1993, with a Crown of Roses on her Head, and a white veil, and white tunic).