Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, December 7, 1994
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

"- Dear children, today I want to thank you for being here to my feet, dear children, in such great numbers.
Dear children, I love you, I love you! Many are asking themselves in their hearts why this rain. My beloved children, you are the figure of My Blessings, who descend in torrents upon you.
I tell you, My children, this rain has not come to harm you, but it has come to wash you! Many who are sick here, because of this rain, will be cured.
Dear children, I want to tell you today, with all the LOVE of my Heart: - I AM THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION! I AM THE QUEEN OF PEACE! I AM THE LADY OF JACAREÍ!
My Heart, beloved children, 'tremble' with joy as I see you united, dear children, at my side, here, at this moment. Little children, I was happy that you offered your penance and the sacrifice of being here, in my 'rain of blessings', resisting, remaining at my side in prayer. Dear children, this night is the most important night in the whole Universe, because it precedes the most Sacred day of the whole year, December 8th, when the whole Work of Redemption began.
Children, you who are here on My side this night in prayer receive Blessings of Grace that others who do not pray cannot receive. I tell you, My children, many of My poor children have come here to beg Me for Grace. I will grant them all, because today, My children, My Immaculate Heart is open to attend to whatever My children want to ask of Me, if it is My Lord's Will.
I want to ask you now that all of you, those who can, kneel down to adore the Most Holy Trinity, beginning with those who are closest to Me.
Dear and beloved children, during all the other months, My children, I have called you to Jacari one after another, to come here, My children, not so much out of curiosity that your Mother is appearing, but, My children, to bless you, to save you, and to give you, My children, My Messages, so that you may be saved.
Dear children, My Heart is inflamed and swollen with LOVE for you. My Flame of LOVE, I can no longer hold inside Me. My LOVE, with 'violent force', dear children, runs in search of you! Don't deny, children, to receive this Flame of LOVE from your Mother's Heart, but. give, My little children, your hearts so that I can, My children, inflame you with My LOVE.
My dear children, all of you who are here are deeply LOVED and favorite of My Heart. Yes, Jesus shed Tears today in your midst, and I, My children, thought again of My children, poor sinners. But I tell you, my children, no one has gone to hell today, because as I promised, I closed the 'gates of hell', and Satan today did not profit from his temptations.
But I opened, my children, the 'Gates of Heaven', so that my children, so that souls, might fly to happiness. Children, do you know how many souls you have saved just by your Cenacle and your penances here, in union with Me? You saved, My children, more than seventy thousand souls, who were condemned to hell and are now with Me in the happiness of Heaven. That is why, my children, I told you that prayer, united to sacrifice, can do everything with the Lord.
Beloved children, during all these months, I have been instructing you as Mother, My children, on the path of the LOVE of GOD. I am all beautiful! I am to all Pure! I am all full of Grace. I am, my children, the Immaculate Virgin Mary who comes to you, the command of the Holy Trinity to call you, children, to conversion and to LOVE, which only GOD grants, because only GOD can give.
LOVING and dear children, beloved of my Heart, Jesus did not come down with me today, but HE, my children, is present here, with all the LOVE of His Sacred Heart, and again I affirm, my children: - 'In the end, THEY WILL TRIUMPH OUR UNITED HEARTS! The darkness will be dispelled, and the LIGHT of the Lord, who sent Me to Jacarei, will 'shine', and then YOUR Mercy will shine on the face of the whole earth.
Dear children, I have sent My Sign for My Archangels to you today in your two hands, My children, to tell you that you are entirely Me. This Sign, My children, is invisible. But I, My children, wanted it so that all of you may be Mine, so that the enemy may never take you from My Arms.
Beloved Children, the moon showed itself at the beginning of the Apparition for brief moments. My children, it indicated to you once again the sign. Today new moon. it was not this moon that I brought, but the moon of my Immaculate Conception Image. I tell you, My children, all of you who have come here, have achieved many Graces from My Heart.
Pray for Peter of Jesus! My First Beloved Son, Pope John Paul II, who needs your prayers today more than ever.
Beloved and dear children, I ask you to convert your lives, My children, while there is still time, and to abandon yourselves, My children, in My Motherly Hands, so that I may always be able to bless them and give them Peace.
Pray, My children, and persevere! Until 1999 the enemy will try them. I WILL COME!
(Note - Marcos): (This term can be shortened or extended, according to the prayers and the correspondence of men to Our Lady. See what Our Lady said about this in her Message of 19/09/97 @)
My children, do you think that the devil will be bound with a thick iron chain? No, My children, it will be with the fragile string of My Holy Rosary! I will bind him in hell, from where he will never come out, and then, My children, My Mercy and the Mercy of Jesus WILL KINGLE forever!
Little children! Little children! Little children, it will not be the 'end of the world', but it will be a 'great cleansing' of the earth! All those who trust in Me and abandon themselves in My Hands will find the Grace of Peace, of LOVE, and of Salvation.
Don't worry about anything, children, because under My Cloak there is room for all of you. Under My Cloak, My children, I will hide each one of you and protect you, and one day, My children, you will know what it is like to have the happiness of seeing the Mother of GOD. Yes, because in the TRIUMPH OF MY Immaculate Heart, I, THE RAIN AND MESSAGE OF PEACE, will appear to each one of you (who are faithful.) You will see Me descending Gloriously, and I will speak to you, children, and you will be My children.
Children, I love you from all my Heart, and if necessary, my children, I give my Heart to you, to save you, to take you with Me to Heaven. Dear children, beloved children, I thank you. Thank you all for coming to My Sanctuary in this city...In fact, My children, My LOVE here will never cease!
In February, Jesus and St. Joseph with me will also come to bless the people on the Anniversary of the Apparitions.
When I am, My children, four years after My first coming in this city, I will tell you 'wonderful things' will happen among you. To all those who come here, My children, you will be given the Grace and the LOVE of GOD always more like a Gift. Next month, My children, I await you again here, to bless you and to give you, My children, all the LOVE of My Immaculate Heart.
I will now bless you and I desire, My children, that you close your eyes, so that I may bless each one of you in deep silence.
Dear children, I want all of you united to Me! I want you to pray, My children, the Holy Rosary of Peace every day! To all those who every Saturday at eight o'clock in the evening make the 'Hour of Peace', praying my Rosary of Peace, singing, meditating the Holy Gospel and my Messages, my children, you will receive deep Blessings and profound Graces from my Immaculate Heart.
Little children, little children, ah! My children, what else do I think about doing for you, but LOVING you, blessing you and preparing your place?
Children, reaching Heaven is not easy. I am at your side. I came down from Heaven because I saw the affliction of My children! I have come down, children, to relieve their pain, to help them, children, to carry their crosses. Therefore, my beloved children, surrender yourselves to my arms!! that I will surrender myself to your arms.
Children, I desire once again to ask you to pray for all Priests, for the whole Church of GOD, for all those My children who need My Grace, My LOVE, and My Mercy.
I want My children always more delivered to My Heart! I give them the Peace that the world does not have. I give you the Peace, My children, so that all of you are united to Me.
Little children, next year I will keep appearing to you (here). I have continued, My children, My Work until now, and I will continue for more than a year with you still, My children. I have many Blessings and many Graces to bestow upon you. and fear nothing, because everything, My children, will occur in the Grace of GOD.
My Work here is a Grace of salvation that will spread to all mankind, and from everywhere My children will come to seek Me in this blessed place.
I want, My children, to leave them My LOVE and My Peace. I give you, My children, My Grace for all of you. Everyone has received in their heart a 'spiritual flower' as a proof of my affection. My children, to all of you I send a 'kiss' with My Hand, as a sign of My Mother Tenderness.
Children, now that I have communicated all that I need to communicate, I want to ask you: - Be converted! Repent of your sins! Humanity, My children, is heading toward an abyss of perdition. Will you, my children, allow the earth to resemble hell so much?
Heaven can no longer stand so much violence from young people, My children, turn off your televisions every night to pray the Rosary as a family. The families who do not pray the Rosary together, I have the pain to reveal to them, will be shattered by divorce and the devil. Children, save your families while there is still time!
Children, pray for the conversion of sinners, this is my appeal, this is my last request to each of you. Now, I bless you in the name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit.
And now that I have done all that there was, I return to Heaven".