Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, November 2, 1994
Message of Our Lady

My children, today remember all those who preceded you in the Glory of GOD.
The Souls of the Elect pray for you in Heaven with the same LOVE with which Christ prayed on the Cross. The Souls of the AMAM, intercede for you and beg for Graces. They are Flames of LOVE praying for you over the Heart of Jesus and over my Immaculate Heart. Go to them with confidence, because they are always praying.
My dear children, I am your Mother! I accompany them from the moment they are born, throughout their entire existence. And at the hour of their death, I am the one who comes to pick them up and take them to Heaven.
I accompany them in their difficulties, I direct their journey, I never abandon them. I am the one who accompanies them in their departure, to the presence of GOD, for the particular Judgment, in the face of the FACE with HIM.
Everyone, everyone must get their lives right with the Lord, and HIM, no one will ever be able to escape, nor dodge, nor escape. My dear children who live My Messages sincerely, and who are fervent in their LOVE for Me, will have the great happiness of obtaining My Powerful Intercession in this 'decisive hour' of their lives.
I always 'perfume' them with My Grace and My Mercy. I perfect all the virtues in you, I purify your hearts day after day, and I unite you ever more to Me. In the Hour of Judgment, I present you to the Pure and Immaculate FATHER, and if there is any stain of sin left in you, I pass it on to my Immaculate Hand to erase it from you, so that you may be totally Pure.
O, how Jesus 'rejoices' to see YOUR servants presented and led to HIM by HIS MOTHER! HIM gathers in Heaven the 'flowers' carried by Me, and adorns YOUR Sacred Heart with them!
O my children, pray the Holy Rosary every day! He is the Key that opens the Doors of Heaven to you! Dear children, pray, pray! I ask you all to put all your LOVE in my Immaculate Heart.
I bless you in the Name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit".