Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, October 7, 1994
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

"Today I come to you, I, the Mother of Mercy, to bless you, dear children, with the gift of Peace.
I love you! I love you! I love you very much! To you today I give my Immaculate Heart, so that you may truly LOVE GOD and your brothers.
Dear children! Today I greet you with Peace in the Name of Jesus. I thank you from the depths of my Immaculate Heart for having been here, and today, October 7, I renew my call to conversion.
My children, the time left to them is already ending, and soon,My children, My SECRETS will all be fulfilled and revealed. The Third Message of Fatima, entrusted to My Little Daughter Sister Lucy, will be revealed to the whole world, and then, My children, you cannot imagine what will come. So I tell you: - Convert now! Convert while you have time, My children, and return to the Lord, GOD of Salvation and Peace.
My children, last month, through this Image, I shed Tears. These same drops that you see falling upon you are Signs of My Tears, upon each one. My children, they are also My Blessings that descend upon each one of you.
Today I have made My Eyes 'stay alive' and stains of Blood appear on the tunic of My Jesus, to tell you, little children, that OUR Sorrow for the sins of the world is very great. I desire conversion from you, children, and that you give your hearts to me!
It is my desire that on December 8, Feast of my Immaculate Conception, in this city, you will all be together with me in the Matrix of the Immaculate Conception in the afternoon, and that at night you will come to this place.
On December 7th there will also be the Apparition. I will be here, My children, at your side to bless and protect you.
I tell you that on December 8, here in Jacareí, Great Graces will be given to you, great and abundant Graces will be given to you during the procession and Mass! Therefore, My children, I wish you all together with Me, your Immaculate Mother.
Many have come to this place to see Me or to know if it is true that I am appearing here. My children, last month I gave you abundant Signs. Almost every day I have made the sun manifest, and today I gave you this gift, little children. What more do they need?
Open your hearts to me, and let me in. Why are you so hard and do you not open the doors of your hearts to Me, that I am your Mother, the Immaculate Mother?
Little children, I ask you to abandon yourselves in My Mother's Hands so that I may bless you. Next month Jesus will return with me to give you messages. I love them very much, and I give them Peace, not as the world gives it, but... as my Son Jesus gives it.
My children, here I am leaving Thirteen SECRETS. You do not know what these SECRETS contain, so you do not pray, you do not rush to conversion.
Today I revealed the Seventh to this dear son of mine, to whom I appear every day. Little children, with this I want to tell you that the hour has come, that the time has come. I have little time left with you, so my children, I ask that you open your hearts to me so that I can change them while there is still time!
Dear children, I have come here as 'RAIN AND MESSAGE OF PEACE' to tell you: PEACE! PEACE! PEACE! Reconcile yourselves! For this you must believe, pray, fast, weep for your sins, confess, take communion.
I, your Mother, children, leave you my Blessing, my LOVE and my Mercy. Children, you are a people very dear to my Heart. You are the chosen and favorite people of my Mother's Heart. My children, if you are here tonight, it is because I invited you, I called you to be here beside me!
Today I make these Appeals that My Son made: - Love one another! Love Each Other! Love each other with all your heart! True LOVE will never end!
I asked that My Matrix be considered as a Sanctuary, and that they build a Chapel in My Honor in the place indicated by Me. (that is, on the Mount)
My children, My LOVE for you never passes, and therefore, dear children, I give you the Gift of Peace! I love you, children, and bless you!
Look how the drizzle has stopped! This means that My Tears will stop running when you, dear children, also convert and pray.
You have received the Rosary of Peace written. Take home this booklet, and form prayer groups. Meditate on My Messages.
Be converted! Convert! Convert while there is still time. I am the Mother of Peace. I am the Mother of Good Counsel. I am the One who brings Immediate Grace and Ready Help to each of you.
I am manifesting myself in many places on earth, through My Seers scattered across the face of the world, through My Pictures crying, crying BLOOD because of you. I suffer so much, children, because of you, and I am paid only with blasphemies, sins, offenses, and with your hardness of heart.
Children, I tell you that it is time for you to return to Me! Return, children, to the road of Grace. Go back to the road of LOVE!
When the SECRETS of Jacareí are revealed, it will be too late for conversion. The last Great Miraculous Sign will be for the conversion of atheists, but. don't wait for this last Sign, because by the time it comes, it will be already late, very late.
So repent now! Repent now of your sins and give me your hearts. Truly, I tell you, soon many people will come looking for me here in Jacareí. ( . )
My children, I want you to come without fear, and bring as many people as you can. It is my desire to see many people here! This will be a place of Blessings, deep conversions, healings, and return of hearts to my Lord.
On the 7th of every month, I will give Great Graces from my Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart of Jesus to everyone. My children, I wish you always close to Me. ( . )
Children, pray for the Pope! He needs your prayers! The Sacred Heart of Jesus is attentive to your supplications, so my children, pray, pray. Whatever you ask through Me, if it is GOD's will, Jesus will give it.
I bless you and love you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The Dragon will be chained not by a thick iron chain, but. with the string of My Rosary. I will send the Three Archangels to bind the devil in hell, and in the TRIUMPHER of My Heart he will be powerless. He will never leave the abyss to try the earth again!
This, my children, will be the TRIUMPH OF MY Immaculate Heart. Have confidence, because at last you will be the TRIUMPHER of my Immaculate Heart".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- Beloved children of my Heart, (pause) I am Jesus, True Son of the Holy Virgin, who am speaking to you this instant.
Well beloved of my Heart, I do not wish to communicate anything more to you, I only wish to say: 'At last my Sacred Heart will TRIUMPH! The darkness will be dispelled, and My Mercy will renew the whole face of the earth.
I leave a drop of BLOOD in your heart, so that you may leave here with the Spiritual Anointing of my Holy Spirit. Therefore, children, My Cross WILL COME! My Heart will deliver you from all evil!
It is my desire that you all have an Image of my Sacred Heart, and the Immaculate Heart of my Mother, in your homes. Therefore I tell you: You must leave candles burning incessantly before these Images.
Dear children, in this city I will leave a Permanent, Visible Sign, which all will see and believe. It is my Sacred Heart that pulses with LOVE for you, but. that also bleeds with Pain because of you in my little image. Thus you understand that the Pain of My Sacred Heart is very great for all of you...Be converted!
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".