Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, May 6, 1994
Message of Our Lady

Dear children, today I want to manifest to you my LOVE. I am the Sorrowful Mother. I am the Faithful Virgin. I am the Mother of Mercy.
After the Horrible Flagella that humanity will have to go through, this desert will reflower. Dense darkness is approaching humanity. Suffering will bathe the face of the earth and many souls will be lost. (Here She interrupts and cries.)
Pray for them, and consecrate them to my Heart.
Reveal My entire Plan to them. I have given them Signs that they may believe in My Presence. Why don't they open their hearts to Me?
Open My soul to Me! that I may enter with the Graces of GOD.
My children, much blood will flow, many souls will be condemned, but. many will be saved. What a pain for Me, to see thousands of My children hating each other. without the Grace of GOD!
Oh! how guilty you are for not praying for sinners!
You treat My Messages as anything, you don't pray, and you are left doing nothing.
Ah, my children, I am always vigilant, so that the world may be saved! After the Terrible Punishment that awaits the Earth has passed, it will fully revive, and Peace will reign.
LOVE will be established, and then the Son of Man will come to GOVERN YOUR 'flock'. But first, the Pope will suffer. the good will suffer. various nations will be annihilated.
I said this to them, so that they will believe. when everything happens.(pause) I give them Peace. Stay in Peace!
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.