Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, April 23, 1994
Message of Our Lady

Dear children, today My Voice resounds again among you. Answer Me! How many souls are lost, for not answering the 'call' of GOD in their lives.
Pray, My children, to protect yourselves from the Terrible Punishments that I have warned you about since the last few weeks! Prepare yourselves! Pray! Pray! Pray!
I have been begging for the conversion of humanity for centuries. and they do not answer Me! I am already exhausted from so much begging for humanity to be converted. I want obedient souls! I want penitent and prayerful souls!
My children, be converted! The Angels of the Scourges will begin to descend. and lightning will strike upon the Earth, but. have confidence in Me! As I have promised you, those who love Me will be protected by Me.
As for the wicked, many will not be converted in time, and will have no more chance. But they can still help Me save them: - Deliver these people to Me in My Heart, and I will convert them.
The horrible sacrilege will be committed...The antichrist will take the place of Christ's minister, and the abomination will take over GOD's Temple.
Pray hard, My children! Without prayer, I cannot save you! Look at the Signs given to you, to understand that the Last Times have come: - Plagues and incurable diseases that are spreading, earthquakes that are more and more violent, that kill thousands of people; floods that homeless and swallow everything. The lack of Faith, which spreads like a terrible spiritual cancer, in billions of My poor children; hunger; unemployment; criminality; corruption; these are the signs that indicate that the "end of times" is near.
That is why, My children, I ask you: - Be converted without delay, and give yourselves to Me! Pray the Rosary every day!(pause)
I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
(Marcos): (Check in 2 Thessalonians Chap. 2, 3-12)