Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, April 9, 1994
Message of Our Lady

My Message today is especially for My consecrated children, the children who love My Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart.
Consecrated to my Immaculate Heart, listen to my 'bitter' Mother's Voice, and follow me along the path of prayer and penance!
Live your Consecration in the midst of a perverted world completely removed from GOD, entrusted to the power of the enemy! Many times you feel that his power paralyzes you, so that you no longer pray. No, my children, do not give in to the power of the enemy! Fight your strength with prayers, sacrifices and penance! Do not yield to his strength ever!
In the face of the evil of the world, maintain your strength! Have courage in the face of hatred!
To young people, I ask you to stay away from the cinema, today completely perverted, from nightclubs, orgies, drinking and prostitution!
Abstain from all relationships before marriage! I ask the young people to consecrate their bodies and hearts to Me until Marriage, to put an end to the spread of perversion and pornography.
To the children, I ask them to make little sacrifices, and offer them to Me, so that I can save souls and protect their lives from all the danger the world offers them. Their pure and innocent prayers are the 'soft tissue' that wipes away My Painful Tears.
To the families, I ask that they pray together, that Peace may come for all families.
To priests and religious, I ask them to give themselves with confidence to my Heart, and to transmit to others my 'urgent' requests for humanity to be converted.
Great and Terrible Punishments are coming to you, and you remain in indifference, in error, in paganism. For many it will be late! The time for conversion is now, and you do not listen to My requests. (Here She interrupts and cries.)
How many of My poor children live today in a great inability to LOVE; they live in hatred, evil, unbridled selfishness. How many thousands live like true pagans!
Be converted! Live their consecration to my Immaculate Heart!".
(Marcos): (Our Lady stayed with me for about an hour, and what she said should not be published yet)