Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, April 1, 1994
Good Friday

My dear children, today I come to reveal the 'sea of suffering' that My Son suffered for LOVE to you.
My son, write down everything that I reveal to you. Feel with Me the Extreme Anguish of the Heart of Jesus in His Passion.
Repent of your sins. Go back to GOD and tell humanity to do the same".
Revelation of Secret Suffering
Of Our Lord Jesus Christ in His Passion
(Marcos): (I saw Our Lady open a 'big window', like a movie screen. I saw a dark night and the Lord was passing in a place full of trees. He crossed it and entered a big house. He climbed a staircase.
Jesus was wearing a white tunic, a blue cloak. His blue eyes were glowing. His beard was small and well made. His hair was as dark as Our Lady's. Her height was about 5 feet. The Twelve Apostles were with him.
They began to tidy up the big room. They put a big white towel on a table. Three of the Apostles put jars on the table. They brought bread. An Apostle, the youngest, put wine in a cup.
On the way, they had disputed among themselves who would be the most important in the Kingdom of Jesus. The Lord Jesus took a basin near the table, put water on it, and began to wash the disciples' feet. The first was Bartholomew.
When he reached Judas' feet, who was the penultimate, he seemed to be a little more 'sad. He went to wash Peter's feet, and he refused. Jesus told him that if he didn't wash his feet, he wouldn't have a part with him. Then he asked Jesus to wash not only his feet, but also his head and hands.
Jesus knew who would betray him, so he said that not everyone was clean. Jesus began to speak:)
(Our Lord Jesus Christ)"-Whoever wants to be the greatest, let him be the least of all. Whoever wants to be Lord, may he be the slave of all. The least, to me, is always the greatest".
Everyone was ashamed of their pride. Jesus was sadder from then on. He said he longed for that Supper because he would not eat it anymore on earth.
Our Lady continued to show me. Jesus took a big loaf of bread. He looked up to heaven and said the words that were forever sacred:
(Our Lord Jesus Christ)"-Take and eat, that is My Body. Take and drink, this is my Blood, the Blood of the New and Eternal Covenant, which is poured out for you".
He then addressed the words of comfort and hope that are contained in St. John's Gospel. He said that one of the Apostles would betray him. Everyone, amazed, began to wonder who it was.
Since John was closest to Jesus, Peter asked him to ask who it was, with a nod of his head.
John asked, and Jesus answered that he would be the one to put his hand on the plate with HIM. When Jesus took His hand, Judas put his hand on the plate with Jesus, and everyone was disconcerted.
Jesus told him to do what he had to do right away. He ran out. He was hating Satan. He went to the Pharisees' chiefs, who were trying to get Jesus.
In the Upper Room Jesus exhorted his followers to trust him. They kept the things from the Supper. Jesus also prayed in the silence of the Heart for the Church, which would continue to renew His Sacrifice for all the centuries until He returned again. The Apostles did not understand why Judas left.
They all left the house. Jesus began to descend through a dark valley full of trees. He went into the Garden of Olives. The Apostles stayed at the beginning of the Garden. Jesus went in with those who were closest to him. He left them and asked them to pray a lot. He left them and asked them to pray a lot:
(Our Lord Jesus Christ)"-My Soul is sad to death.
The devil was tempting Him so that He would coward and abandon GOD's plan. Jesus saw humanity, the innumerable multitude of souls who would condemn themselves, notwithstanding the Sacrifice of YOUR Life. He saw the Heart of His Holy Mother pierced with pain.
I saw Our Lady in Her house, being warned by an Angel that Her Son was in Agony, and that His Sorrowful Passion was beginning. GOD asked her to stay all night in prayer, collaborating in intimate union with Jesus. The Agony she felt from that moment on together with Him was mortal. Jesus and Our Lady were tortured by atrocious pain.
I saw Jesus looking for the Apostles. They were asleep. Jesus looked sadly and lamented that they were not praying. He said to them:
(Our Lord Jesus Christ)"-Can't you pray and watch with me even for an hour? Without prayer, what 'strength' will you have? Watch and pray, lest you fall into temptation".
You have gone away again. He prostrated himself on a large, icy stone. He prayed and asked the Eternal FATHER that if he could, he might remove that 'chalice'...But not if His will be done. YOUR Agony was so intense that YOU could not rise from the ground.
For the second time He sought the comfort of the Disciples, but found them in an even deeper sleep. He returned to the same place and continued to pray. YOUR Sweat began to turn red, with drops of Blood staining YOUR face. YOUR dresses also became stained with Blood. He spent much time in that Cruel Agony. Sweat disappeared, dried Him, and I no longer saw the traces of Blood.
You sought the comfort of the Disciples. It woke them up. They went to the garden door. Judas arrived with a large group of armed men to arrest our Lord Jesus Christ. Judas kissed him on the face.
Jesus asked them without delay who they came for. Jesus answered, "He was the one who came. They fell to the ground because of the power that invaded the place. So they were all prostrate for a while, except the disciples, who remained standing.
They got up still stunned, and Jesus asked them again who they came for. They answered again, "They are looking for Jesus of Nazareth. He told them it was HE himself, so let the others go.
Peter cut off one of their ears, and Our Lord healed it, and commanded Peter to keep the sword in its sheath. He did this with Authority, warning him that whoever lived by the sword would die for it. He reminded him of YOUR POWER and CONDITION, saying:
(Our Lord Jesus Christ)"-Do you believe that I cannot call upon My FATHER, and HE would not immediately send Me more than twelve Legions of Angels?
But how would the Scriptures be fulfilled, according to which this must be so? Would I not drink of the cup that my FATHER gives me to drink?
They brutally tied Jesus' hands. The Apostles fled in fear, hiding behind the bushes of the gardens. John and Peter followed him from afar. A young man named Marcos, wrapped in a sheet, was caught while following Jesus, but he managed to escape.
He was punched, slapped, so that he could walk faster. They said:
(Soldiers and Pharisees) "Come, King of the Jews! Where are your knights for YOU to lead now?"
Jesus stumbled many times, because He was pulled by the ropes of His hands, then He was kicked, stepped on, and thrown stones at Him. Jesus heard everything in silence. Insulted, he never complained.
They went up a lot of stairs. They arrived at the Annas Palace. He asked them questions, but Jesus was silent. The scene of the slap of Annas's servant took place and they began to beat him, infuriated by Jesus' silence. Annas told him:
(High Priest Annas)"-At last, false King of the Jews, you have fallen into my hands!
They dragged us inside the Palace to Caiaphas and the Jewish leaders. They questioned Us. Caiaphas' eyes glowed with intense hatred. He brought several false witnesses. Jesus was silent and listened to everything. Caiaphas told him if he was the Son of GOD. Jesus told him:
(Our Lord Jesus Christ)"-You say it! One day you will see Me sitting at the right hand of the FATHER, coming on the clouds of Heaven".
(Caiaphas)"- Blasphemed!"
...Caiaphas shouted, tearing his own clothes, and pronouncing the death sentence. Everyone shouted that he was a defendant of death. They had him taken to Pilate, but as it was already late, they decided to wait for the day to dawn. Some shouted:
(Crowd of Pharisees) "- You will die, false king and Son of GOD! Caiaphas ordered:
(Caiphas) "- Take Us to the dungeon!" Caiaphas threw Him a white cloth, and the soldiers punched Him, saying:
(Soldiers and Pharisees) "- Guess, Christ, who it was that struck You?" The Pharisees were laughing so hard. They caught Him on their face so many times, that the horror was unsurpassable. Our Lady then said:)
(Our Lady)"-They took Him underground. In the dungeon, the tortures happened one after the other.
They dragged My Son down a staircase with his legs tied. They threw Him into an underground cave full of filth. They took that excrement, and put it to Him by force in Boca.
They continued to beat Him. They tied Him to a column, overheated a metal plate, and put it under His feet. O, what unparalleled pain has seized My Son! When they took the metallic plate from Him, it was filled with pieces of Flesh and Skin from YOUR DIVINE Feet. (Here She interrupts and cries).
My children, after this horrible torment, how can you continue to sin, to renew the suffering of My Son?
They caught Us by the hair, and then dragged Us into the dungeon. They were whipping Him on the floor, now impregnated with pieces of flesh and blood. Pauladas, kicks and punches, they were unceasingly whipped at Him.
They put Jesus' Hands on the hot plate, taking His skin from His Hands. They tied Him head down on a pole, marking Him with heated iron points.
They sat Us on a chair with pointed nails, which pierced His DIVINE Body. They pierced YOUR DIVINE Body with spearheads.
My Son became unrecognizable. The human appearance had disappeared.
They threw Us into a cell for half an hour. These cells were very dark, and Jesus was plunged into agony until they led Him to Pilate. As soon as He could see the way, there were so many kicks He was given.
Pilate was not happy to be disturbed by the Jews. Pilate looked at My Son, full of spit, spit, blood, purple spots all over His Most Holy Body.
The Jews began to accuse Him unjustly. Pilate did not want to get involved. He ordered them to judge Him themselves, but they wanted Him to be condemned to death.
Pilate sent him to Herod when he learned that Jesus was a Galilean. They were pushing Him with extreme brutality. Pilate knew that My Son was innocent, so in his conscience he did not even want to touch Jesus.
Herod, in turn, asked Him many things. Jesus did not answer him, because he was a dishonest man.
Herod threw him a white curtain, spat at him, and sent him to Pilate again. The people shouted that he would be condemned at all costs. Pilate insisted:
(Pontius Pilate) "But shall I crucify your King? They shouted that they had no other King but Caesar.
Pilate had Barabbas, a dangerous thief, brought in and placed him next to My Son. Pilate told the people to choose which of the two they wanted him to release. They chose Barabbas. Pilate ordered them to flog My Son.
They tied Him up in a big column with their hands up. They tore His clothes, and whipped Him mercilessly. With each lashing, Jesus trembled, and was beset with unparalleled pain. Pieces of flesh and blood flew over the executioners.
They let go of Him from the spine, and fell into the 'pool' of Blood that formed on His feet, as if He were an 'annihilated worm. Behold, My children, every wound, every Wound. Love this Blood, which was the 'price' of your salvation!
My children, Jesus suffered all this because of the sins of impurity, of pornography. (pause)
Be pure! Be like lilies, candid and spotless! Imitate the purity of Jesus. Look how he suffered so much in his Immaculate Flesh!
They threw Him seated on a slab full of pointed nails, which stuck to His legs and the Body of the Lord. What unequalled pain!
A soldier braided a 'crown of thorns', and placed it on Jesus' Head with all his might. His legs were pierced by the nails.
His tongue was pierced by the nails and thorns of the 'crown'. They also flogged Him with branches of thorns.
Convert! Repent of your sins!"
(Note - Marcos): (How long this Apparition lasted, I wouldn't know, maybe about 30 minutes and it happened at 7:00pm. When these things happen to me, the notion of time and space are no longer the same, I cannot say for sure, only that while Our Lady was speaking, the scenes were unfolding before me on that 'big screen' that Our Lady opened)