Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, February 7, 1994
Third Anniversary of the Apparitions

(Marcos): (Our Lady on this day appeared five times. The first times she appeared at home, speaking and exhorting like a true Mother. In the evening, after Holy Mass, Our Lady appeared, all dressed in a golden dress. Smiling, she said:)
"Dear children, praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ!
(Marcos): "- Forever be praised!"
"- Dear children, today I invite you to thank GOD for the three years He has allowed me to stay here with you. Thank GOD for allowing me to stay here so long with you. This is a great grace, dear children, that you do not know how to thank GOD enough. This grace is a great grace.
In these 'Times' the Lord grants Me to appear in a new, extraordinary and full of LOVE. My Messages, dear children, want to lead you to live the LOVE, and to be truly of GOD.
Pray, dear children, especially before the Cross, from which you 'emanate' Great Graces.
The Graces of GOD, for each one of you, are, dear children, shed by my Messages. I bring you My Messages of Peace, so that each one may truly have Peace in his heart.
Temptations come from the enemy, in order to discourage them and take them out of prayer. Jesus awaits your prayers! If you become discouraged, you will not pray anymore; so souls are not saved, and the devil triumphs.
No, children, don't ever stop praying! Pray more and more intensely when you feel his evil presence! I will come to your rescue and relieve you.
I thank you for opening your hearts to Me. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.