Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 30, 1994
Twentieth Message

"My children, today, I want to conclude these 'Urgent Messages', which I communicated for your good. for your salvation.
Everything I have said in these Messages must be communicated in a hurry, because I don't want anyone to condemn themselves for omission of LOVE.
My children, I have been calling you to holiness, to conversion, to prayer for years, but... you are still very far from perfection.
Dear children, PRAY very. intensely! Soon, when my TRIUMPHON happens, I will unchain the prisoners of sin, and bring them to the Father's Colon.
Happiness will finally reign in the world! I will never make them suffer, so believe in Me, and make sacrifices, prayers of LOVE, penances of LOVE! Live in such a way that I can live with you! I will 'perfume' your homes and hearts with My LOVE.
I want to save you, My children, and you can't even imagine or feel how much I LOVE you! and how much I want to save you. Fear nothing! I will never leave you alone or helpless.
I want to ask you to do hours of family prayer as a powerful 'barrier' against the 'smoke of Satan' who now wants to enter all the families and destroy them.
I want you to commemorate the Holy Spirit on Mondays, Angels on Tuesdays, Saints on Wednesdays, the Blessed Sacrament on Thursdays, Fridays and Thursdays my Spouse St. Joseph and the Passion of Jesus.
On Saturdays they will remember His Heavenly Mother, and my Immaculate Heart. On Sunday, Jesus' Day, I will unite myself with you, as a willing and inclined Mother, to rest your souls and help you.
If you do this, by communicating the Messages to all, you will truly help me to save the world.
I need your personal renunciation to Satan! So, dear children, pray more and more intensely so that I may obtain My VICTORY, and bring to the world days of Peace, Mercy and LOVE.
These 'Times' are Mine, for they are marked by My Great Presence. Live in prayer and perseverance these 'times' of Deep Grace.
This is the favorable time for conversion while I am so present with you. Don't leave the conversion until later, because later! it will be too late.
Keep everything I have told you, and fight with courage! I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Stay in the Peace of the Lord.