Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, January 18, 1994
Sixteenth Message

"Dear children, today I come to speak to you about the Eucharistic Jesus and the need for reparation. Dear children, reparation is urgent now, so that GOD may have compassion on you.
My children, I AM THE MOTHER OF THE EUCHARIST! I have taught you here the TERRY OF EUCHARISTICS, to show you that these apparitions of mine here are primarily Eucharistic.
From now on, everyone who prays the Rosary of the Eucharist every Thursday at seven o'clock in the evening will receive many Graces, Mercy, and above all, a happy death, as a reward for his affection for Jesus in the Eucharist.
My children, when you hear the clock strike seven o'clock at night, kneel down, for this Rosary must be prayed all on your knees, as a sign of penance. At this moment the doors of Mercy of the Heart of my Son Jesus Christ will be open to pour out Mercy on all my children who are praying at this moment.
If they are already at Holy Mass, I will collect reparation in the same way. I asked on Thursdays, because that was the day Jesus celebrated the Last Supper, and instituted the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, which is HE's 'own' with you.
The Blessed Sacrament is my Son in your midst!
Every day my Son comes down from heaven for you. GOD comes down to the Eucharistic Tables, to be the 'food' of thousands of hearts. Every day, Jesus is giving Himself immensely to you in the Blessed Sacrament.
Today the Crown of Thorns that surrounded the Heart of Jesus is also in my Motherly and Immaculate Heart...How many sacrileges, how many sacrilegious communions, how many desecrations, how much carelessness, indifference and abandonment to Jesus in the Tabernacle!
Ah! if you could see with My Eyes how vast a multitude of souls are in danger of being condemned! and how many are condemned for sins committed against Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
Jesus is now looking for souls to comfort Him. and what a pain I have when I say, that many times Jesus does not find them!(pause) Jesus does not want to be 'alone' in the tabernacle. Jesus must be adored, LOVED, exalted by everything and everyone.(pause) These souls, (the ones that comfort Him) full of LOVE towards GOD, are loved by HIM. and never leave HIS FATHERN HEART, and the 'loving' Heart of His Heavenly Mother.
Children, you must confess, as I asked, every month, so that you don't fall into the temptation of sacrilege and so that Jesus finds a 'worthy home' to enter. Several times, Jesus goes into real 'swamps'. filthy and dirty, where all the filth of Satan and his perversion is.
Satan wants to take revenge on Jesus today by 'spitting' and 'vomiting' Him into the ROSTO, through the communions and sacrilegious desecrations that are now spreading like the fatal cancer of souls. and My Greatest Pain, is that he has, unfortunately, largely succeeded in his desire. (He began to cry more)
But soon I will put an end to his boldness, and cast him out of the Holy Temple of the Lord, and chain him to hell. OUR VICTORY is certain!
In the place of these 'ungodly thrones,' two very glorious thrones will appear: THAT OF THE SACRED EUCHARISTIC HEART OF JESUS, AND THAT OF MY IMMACULATE HEART!
All heresy will be conquered! All apostasy will be overthrown! and Peace will come. Everywhere, my Son, in the Blessed Sacrament, will be adored and witnessed.
Right here, I have given you Eucharistic Signs, and I still want to do so, so that you may believe firmly.(pause) But for that, I need many prayers to 'win'.(pause)
Remember the Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano, and the signs of the flames of the candles that I gave you and offered you.(pause) Pray the Rosary of the Eucharist! as I indicated.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.