Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, January 11, 1994
Ninth Message

"My children, today I came to speak about the Holy Spirit. My children, the Holy Spirit is the 'essence' of holiness!
When He was poured out upon me at the moment of the Annunciation, He was poured out so fully, that He made possible the Incarnation of the Word of GOD, my DIVINE Son Jesus Christ.
It was the Holy Spirit who acted, hovering over the surface of the waters, at the moment of creation. (Genesis 1:2) It was He who acted in the Old Testament Prophets, in these brave, just and holy men.
It was the Holy Spirit who made My cousin Elizabeth proclaim praises to GOD; (Lk 1:42-45) who made Me sing My Magnificat; (Lk 1:46-55) who acted in Simeon, in Anne; (Lk 2:29-38) in John the Baptist. (Lk 3:3) and in the Apostles, who on the Day of Pentecost, together with Me, were clothed in the Upper Room with the 'Power' of the Most High.
We saw Him, with Our eyes: - He 'penetrated' our lives!
It is the Holy Spirit 'who blows' everywhere I am 'really' appearing and giving My Messages.
It is the Holy Spirit who sends Me to Jacareí to deliver My Messages to them.
It is the Holy Spirit who moves and touches My children to serve Me!
It is the Holy Spirit who will make the TRIUMPH OF MY Immaculate Heart happen. and who will descend with all HIS FORCE at a World Pentecost.
It is the Holy Spirit who opens and closes the doors of the Second Advent of the Kingdom of Christ!
It is the Holy Spirit, together with Me, who will precipitate Satan and the evil angels into hell and seal the entrance to hell forever, that they may never come out.
That is why I invite you today to pray with me to the Holy Spirit. Ask Him, through Me, who will come to you with more fullness of GOD and Gifts, because He will not deny anything to YOUR Celestial Wife!
The Roses that I bring to My Feet (in the Image of Queen and Messenger of Peace) are the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit, which will be given to you. More and more they will be imbued with the DIVINE 'essence' which is the Holy Spirit.
I am the Wife of the Holy Spirit! That is why I asked them to make Me the Image with these Roses to My Feet, to indicate to them that I want to give them the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Pray the Rosary, to ask for it! I will ask with you too. Ask for the Holy Spirit, and walk spreading the LIGHT of GOD, on all roads, on all! wherever you go.
The Holy Spirit and I will make 'sprouts of holiness' appear everywhere. if you will receive My Messages and pray together with Me. (pause) Pray the Rosary because I want to pray it with you!
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".