Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, January 7, 1994
Sixth Message - Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions

"Dear children, today, 'the seventh day', the day of the month that I asked you to consecrate Me, I come from Heaven to ask you to turn your eyes to Me today.
My children, when I came here last October, I taught you my "Rosary of Peace. When I taught you this Rosary, it was so that you would pray it in supplication for world peace. My children, where this Rosary is prayed, I promise to pour out my graces of peace and love.
Children, My coming here is a particularly thundering Grace of LOVE from GOD! Praise Him with songs of LOVE for this!
When I first came here in 1991, I descended into the cloud of Light above the Altar of My Matrix (Matrix of the Immaculate Conception) while you, Marcos, prayed. Jesus consummated all the Tenderness of His Heart, initiating OUR LOVE PLANS in this My dear city. My Heart 'beat' with immense Tenderness, when Jesus invited Me to come here. Soon, My Plans will be completed and I will be able to achieve My Great VICTORY.
Francisco and Jacinta (pause) are with Me in Heaven. and Bernadette, after many sufferings of the Mission I entrusted to her, is now in Glory. They and all the Angels and Saints, pray to GOD night and day! for the People of the Lord.
Your Mission, My dear Angel, is to speak to all of the TRUTHS of the Gospel, which I communicate to you in the Messages. Do not care who opposes you, but speak to everyone, with all integrity, My Messages. with heroic courage and Faith.
Many do not believe in My coming here in Jacari. Many do not convert because they do not believe in My Messages. and many will condemn themselves for not being converted. but, I will always be blessing and keeping them. I will always LOVE My children.
That is why it is My living desire that in
On February 7 of each year, the "UNIVERSAL COMMUNITY FOR PEACE" will be held. All My children will receive Communion with My Son Jesus. GOD OF LOVE.
My Matrix is the Refuge of Peace. Call it, "Mary's Refuge"!
That's why pray my "Rosary of Peace" every day! It is the prayer that I myself came from Heaven to teach her. From the heights of heaven I will 'dew' peace upon all the earth. so that the fire of hatred may be quenched. If you pray the Rosary, the feelings of war, hatred and blood will disappear from people. and Peace will be a grace present in all your hearts.
February 7th is the Anniversary of My Appearances here. I wish to see many people praying with me and with Jesus, at the Throne of GOD, for World Peace and the future of Humanity!
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".