Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, November 25, 1993
Message of Our Lady

My children, today I repeat to you my repeated Invitation of LOVE. My children, in 1988, began the 10 decisive years for the TRIUMPH OF MY Immaculate Heart. Since then, the 'events' that I had foretold to them began to be fulfilled.
Behold, since Paris, in 1930, where I came as Lady of Graces, I have begun my Plan of LOVE, already preparing the paths I began in Fatima.
Behold, all the events that I have announced to you since La Salette will be fulfilled.
Also passing through Lourdes, I renew my Call to prayer, sacrifice and penance. I have appeared to my poor little daughter Bernadette with a veil and candid dress. (pause) I invite you to walk in modest, respectful and candor-filled clothing. How they offend me the indecent, provocative and sensual fashions of this world!
In Fatima, I invited the world to the prayer of the Rosary, to penance and to devotion to my Immaculate Heart.
In Montichiari and Bonate, I invited them to prayer, sacrifice and penance!
What I tell you here in Jacareí, here, in this chosen city, is that my Heart is tirelessly seeking souls who will attend to me. I come here, as Queen and Messenger of Peace, to say that Peace is necessary for the salvation of the world! Without Peace, you cannot save yourselves!
Pray, pleading for the Gift of Peace. Pray the Holy Rosary! Beg GOD for Mercy! Believe in YOUR LOVE and pray! Pray the Holy Rosary every day, and abandon yourself to the LOVE of GOD.
In Fortaleza (Ceará), I gave you 'the beginning' of the Plans. I came to Jacareí with immense and intense LOVE in order to help them believe in the LOVE of GOD. GOD wants to convert them, and sends Me here to prepare His Paths. Behold, from here I spread LIGHT and LOVE upon all My children.
Children, what else can I do for you? I am doing everything I can to save you all. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Message from Marcos Thaddeus' Guardian Angel
"Children of the Lord, heed the calls of the Virgin Mary! Fulfill the COMMANDMENTS of the LAW of the Lord and of His Holy Church! (Catholic) The Lord will no longer wait for men to return (by human force) to their womb, (to the womb of the Holy Catholic Church) so He sends the Holy Virgin to give them His Messages. Mary Immaculate is sent with the strength of the Holy Spirit to make men repent of their sins.
Pray the Holy Rosary! Pray with immense fervor to the Lord! Be converted! Repent of your sins! (pause) May the Lord's Blessing come down now, in the Name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit".