Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, November 21, 1993
Message of Our Lady

(Marcos): (The Sacred Heart of Jesus arrived first, only the Heart was visible. He was 'crowned with thorns' and bled abundantly. This vision caused me affliction and pain. After the vision of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Our Lady appeared and said:)
"My children, look how much you love and how much you offend my Heart and the Heart of Jesus. My son. humility and obedience!
Dear children, may GOD bless you! May GOD give you the Gift of Peace!
Dear children. I LOVE the Sacred Heart of Jesus! The Sacred Heart has much LOVE for you, and desires that you correspond to HIM by means of a 'holy life'!
My children, My Heart is the Source of the Peace and Mercy of Jesus!
My Immaculate Heart is despised by all those who, without love and without any consideration, drive 'painful thorns' through Me. My son, I ask you, repair my Heart! Whatever consolation you give me, Jesus will give you the just reward.
Tell My children they must console Me. One of the means I value most is the Communion of Reparation and the Holy Rosary. The Rosary will wipe away my tears and the Communion will remove my innumerable 'thorns'.
Dear children, we must rebuild this sinful humanity and totally atheist! Hear My Call and answer My Prayer!"
(Marcos): (The Most Holy Virgin showed the Flame of LOVE of Her Immaculate Heart. Our Lady showed Her Heart resplendent in the Chest and said:)
"Behold, today I communicate my own 'FORCE': - the Flame of LOVE of my Heart! Children, may the Lord enlighten you to understand!
My Flame of LOVE, sent by Me to the world, will renew the whole face of the Earth and make the new humanity desired by the Lord, in the TRIUMPH OF MY Immaculate Heart.
My son, behold, I am communicating to you my Flame of LOVE. Flame your heart with it, and transmit this flaming LOVE to your brothers and sisters! This Flame, when diffused, spreads My own LOVE across the Earth.
Dear children, have confidence in the LOVE of the Lord and in My LOVE! Pray the Holy Rosary every day, and fight for the conversion of the world, spreading My Messages and My LOVE.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".
Marcos' Guardian Angel
"- Marcos, see the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Have pity on the Heart of Your Most Holy Mother, surrounded by 'thorns' that ungrateful men, at every moment, pierce Him with blasphemies and ingratitude, without anyone making reparation.
You at least repair the Heart of the Virgin, so that the Lord won't be so sad when He sees the Heart of YOUR Mother with so many thorns!
See the pain. Pray for sinners. Beg for Mercy. Jejua. Do penance.
The Virgin Mary has chosen you to be her messenger, and you must not be discouraged by evil, sin, and the unbelief of men. Give consolation to your Mother, who loves you so much!
May all those who hear this Message begin to increase their prayers. heed the Messages of the Virgin Mary. and console your Mother!
(Marcos): (The Angel showed me the Heart of the Virgin, 'torn' in half and full of 'thorns', asking for reparation.
The visions lasted 40 minutes, according to those present. For me, I wouldn't know if it was just these minutes, because in these hours I completely lose track of time as we know it. Sometimes it seems to me that they last longer. Others, that last less)