Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, October 25, 1993
The Virgin Mother's Pranto

The Second Vision of Hell
(Marcos): (Our Lady appeared with a very sad countenance. Opening her lips she said:)
"- My children, today I give you this Serious and Important Message: Convert without delay! Convert yourselves with deep LOVE to GOD! Many are those who live a life without GOD. without LOVE.
Look now, My son, again the punishment of those who disobey GOD and offend Him".
(Marcos): (Our Lady disappeared and in Her place a big window opened, and a big sea of fire appeared that seemed to have no limits. It could be compared to a great gigantic flame seen up close. People were inside that flame. It was all very dark, and only once in a while some stronger flame would light up what was inside, as if it were lightning.
The souls that were falling in that sea of fire were numerous, it seemed like hailstorm. The souls who fell plunged into that fire, sank, and when they went up, they had already totally lost their human appearance. They were transformed into horrible forms of animals, half man, half monster, never seen on the face of the Earth.
Those flames were spinning and rising and forming a kind of whirlwind. While those flames went up and around, the souls that spun and went up with them were blaspheming against GOD. Some screamed, others cried bitterly, and when the flames were already high, they suddenly ceased, then the souls fell, without weight or equilibrium, like sparks in a great fire, and plunged again into that fire. This will continue for all eternity.
I saw people with horrible faces. I saw a blonde woman, with horns, a serpent's tail, a fleshy body, covered in part with hair, scorched with fire and sulfur. She was revealed to me as a living prostitute who did not repent of her sin before she died, and had died in this state of rebellion against God and his Law of Love. There was a noise of chains, screams, groans of pain and terrible crying.
The demons were bigger and differed by their more horrible appearance than the condemned souls, resembling monsters, unknown and gigantic beasts. From time to time one could hear whipping noises. The groans of pain were interrupted at times by satanic laughter, blasphemies and insults against GOD. It seemed to me that all this lasted about 10 minutes, although I lose the real sense of time, in which I almost died, if not helped by Divine Power and Our Lady.
Then that horrible scene disappeared, and Our Lady returned, who said with kindness and deep sadness:)
"You have seen hell, where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, GOD sends Me into the world to give My Messages and speak of My Immaculate Heart. Everyone who embraces devotion to my Immaculate Heart will receive the Grace of Salvation, interceded by me.
Help Me to save My poor and unworthy children! I need all of you to save sinners. The time for conversion is running out! But at last. My Immaculate Heart will triumph. The world will be consecrated to Me, and some time of Peace will be granted".
(Marcos): (Then the Virgin showed me people on earth worshipping Satan and offering him murdered victims; young people injecting drugs; people committing adultery and prostitution; committing kidnapping, robbery, murder; a young woman resorting to abortion to kill her child in her womb.
I saw the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, crying, with much affliction. HE FEELS HOW MANY SOULS ARE LOST IN THESE TIMES FOR LACK OF PRAYER. I saw confused and troubled bishops, some of them secretly betraying the Church in hidden places.
I saw people being swallowed up by a great earthquake; I saw hunger, pain, and people crying. Some were dead on the earth, while others were languishing in the sun.
Our Lady began to weep and shed blood. Blood flowed from the Eyes, the Face, the Heart, the Hands and the Feet; also from the Mouth. She cried an enormous amount of Blood. It was horrible to see the Blessed Virgin in that state. She was crying and kept crying.
She left disconsolate, saying that only with prayer and sacrifices can we console her).