Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, October 15, 1993
Purgatory Vision

My children, I want your hearts to give them to GOD. I want to infuse them with the Peace that only GOD can give! Believe and give yourselves to the LOVE of GOD so that you can live in Peace! My children, I give you My Peace, which I received from GOD, and I ask you once again for conversion!
(Marcos): (Our Lady disappeared and an Angel appeared. He took me to a dark place, which looked more like a twilight, where people were praying, crying and asking the Lord for forgiveness. I saw some Angels coming down to them and taking them out of that place.
The Angel told me that that place was Purgatory, and that those voices I heard were the souls who were trapped there, suffering and cleansing themselves of their sins. The angel exhorted me to have a deep love for the souls in purgatory and to pray incessantly for them.
He told me that I should ask the Blessed Virgin every day for the grace of having a priest to give me the Extreme Anointing. He said that prayer, "Jesus, Mary, I love you, save souls!" really sets holy souls free.
Suddenly Our Lady appeared in a brown dress and white cloak and said that she could free them from there if men prayed for them.
Purgatory is like a big dark cave with several levels. There is a 'terrible fire' in it, which causes great inner suffering to souls. They cry, moan, ask for help. I heard the noise of people falling and crashing into something. Everything was very dark and sad, full of something like a fog or grey mist. I heard some of those souls say: "Masses!" Others said, "Rosaries!" Still others were saying, "Fasts! Remember us!"
As they purified themselves and received prayers from the earth, they climbed to those levels of purification and flew to Heaven, becoming beautiful elect, brighter than the sun. The Angel ended by saying:)
"- Pray the Rosary a lot. All those who pray it with love will be freed from Purgatory on the same day they die. Have charity for these souls, for when they are in heaven they will pray for you!"
(Marcos): (Since these visions have disappeared, a new love for souls has remained in me. The vision lasted about 20 minutes)