Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, October 11, 1993
Message of Our Lady

First Apparition
"Today, on the eve of my day, I come back to Brazil to save you and help you on the path of LOVE!
I am Senhora Aparecida! I am the Immaculate Conception! I appeared in the waters of the Paraíba River to tell them. to manifest to them my LOVE, affection, predilection, kindness. for my dear and beloved Brazilian people.
I am the Mother and Queen of Brazil! From north to south, from east to west of this country, I want to operate My Motherly Mercy! In My Shrine I welcome My children, who, filled with affliction come to seek Me! I want to give them My Joy. My Goodness! I pour out on you my compassion and my LOVE!
Pray the Rosary. Stay in deep and intense prayer. This night is Holy, because it precedes My Day. My children, I want to bless you deeply. I give you the Peace of my Heart! Pray!
I love my Brazil and I will save it by praying for all those who let themselves be guided by my Mother Voice!
I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Second Apparition
"- Dear children, once again I invite you to sincere LOVE, to perfect Peace, which only in GOD you can find.
I asked them to come up here, to do penance, to pray in Peace with GOD. Children, my LOVE for you is infinite! I never tire of calling you to prayer and penance! So, dear children, pray and have Faith".
(Marcos): (Our Lady, during the Holy Rosary, moments before this Apparition, gave us a sign, seen by all the 70 people who were there. The stars began to dance, forming with this movement, signs of the Cross.
Some were turning towards each other. They went up and down, from one side to the other, until they formed a Sign of the Cross with its trajectory. A small Rosary also appeared, formed by grouped stars.
One detail: before the ascent to the Mount, the sky was without stars, and at the time of the Apparition it starred completely. Only the stars above the mount produced this phenomenon. In this regard, Our Lady continued:)
"- Signs you have in abundance. They are only to help your faith. You must be My 'Living Sign' to others who do not believe!"
(Marcos): (Ceased the phenomenon, we come back happy and thanking GOD for such a great favor!)