Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, August 20, 1993
Message of Our Lady

For the groups and movements of the Holy Church
"- Praise our Lord Jesus Christ!"
(Marcos) "- Forever be praised!"
"- My children, I want to tell you about a serious danger today: - My Church is running a very serious risk that prayer for social and political polemics will be suppressed.
Meditation of the Gospel is very necessary: - in the groups that contain the meditations, there is a serious risk that it will be taken for jokes, laughter and other conversations that lead to nothing. If you wish to laugh, don't come, go somewhere else for it.
In these groups, what I see, as a Mother, is that in many of them the daily prayer of the Holy Rosary, fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays, monthly confession, penance for purifying their souls and bodies, the main ETERNAL TRUTHS that I urgently recommend to you to study and desire are no longer recommended. There is hardly any more talk of hell, as to warn My poor children to avoid the sins that throw them into it!
I once again implore you to pray the Holy Rosary, fasting on bread and water on Wednesdays and Fridays, monthly confession, penance, sacrifices for the salvation of souls! I ask them with desperate insistence for the Siege of Jericho, as an 'anchor' of salvation for the world! Those who can understand Me, do it with a good heart. Peaceful!
There are some bishops and priests, who unfortunately think of turning homilies into social polemics; not that it is not necessary, but. where is the fast? The Rosary? We run the risk of interpreting the Gospel in the light of the world and reason! Pray for these My children! The meditation of the Gospel is necessary; but I want you to come here to meditate on it in the LIGHT of THE TRUTH!
You must pray with your heart. There are many who only discuss and do not fast, do not pray the Rosary, do not confess every month, as Jesus commanded Me to suggest to them.
When everyone prays the Rosary every day; when everyone fasts twice a week, when they confess as I begged them to do; when they consecrate their whole life to My Heart and to that of Jesus; when they renounce the world, the pleasures, they will understand why I said, "Be careful with many meetings, cold discussions of politics and socialism.
Pray with your hearts! It will not be with atheistic discussions, but with the Integral Truth of the Gospel, with the Holy Prayer of the Rosary, with Fasting and the Weapons that I gave you, that you will save the world today. No one will be able to live the Gospel if he doesn't pray, if he doesn't fast, if he doesn't confess with LOVE! Therefore, live these My Requests and follow in Peace!
One day, through the Rosary and the Scapular, the Fences of Jericho. I will bind Satan and crush him, and the TRIUMPH OF MY Immaculate Heart will come, and the New Age, the Age of Peace, of LOVE. the old things of evil will have passed!
I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Stay in the Peace of the Lord.
All the movements of the Holy Church must lead to sanctification. Pray and take this Mission seriously! I am the Mother of the Church!"