Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, July 31, 1993
Message of Our Lady

My son, you received the Cross.(pause) You will be crushed, dear son, by the weight of the Cross. Dear son, don't be sad if you are abandoned and criticized. (pause)
Dear children, it is necessary that you convert, that you give yourself to Jesus, dear children. There is no more time! Convert! Convert! Convert! Convert! Change, dear children, there is no more time! Convert! (cried long, painfully, Tears of BLOOD.)
I can no longer bear to hold the Arm of My DIVINE Son, who wants to punish the world with YOUR Righteous Wrath for his crimes, as a last resort to save (correct) the world.(pause) Be converted! (pause) Convert! Not even My Tears of BLOOD can convert them.
Dear children, many are amazed that I am coming here in Jacareí. I am here because My Son here sent Me. I want, My children, to build My Army here. I will lead My children here on the path of True Faith, the Truth of Jesus, to the TRIUMPH OF MY Immaculate Heart!
Through the Siege of Jericho, I will overthrow and destroy everything that wants to be an obstacle to the TRIUMPH OF OUR United Hearts, that of Jesus and Mine!
Pray the Rosary, dear children! Fasting on bread and water on Wednesdays and Fridays. You who are here were chosen by Me!
To the young people I ask you to give up nights, drunkenness, nightclubs and other pleasures that lead them to perdition and lack of faith. Pray more! Be, my dear young people, more and more united to Jesus and me in prayer! My children, fast, sacrifice yourselves for the Plans of OUR Hearts!
I ask families to respect each other very much and to pray together! Consecrate yourselves to Our Two Hearts Together.
To the other children I say: - be pure, be holy! If you don't start doing Cercos de Jericó in every part of Brazil, punishments and more punishments will fall upon you. Pray! Participate in the Siege of Jericho with boiling LOVE! Pray!
This city has been consecrated to Me. Now, nothing can stop Me. . Pray! Pray!
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.