Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, July 26, 1993
Message of Our Lady

First Apparition of this Day
"My children, today I thank you for this Rosary you have prayed. Know that I have walked with you. You have not seen My Body, but. I was with you, walking ahead of you.
Pray the Rosary, you don't know how great your Power is! You have wiped my tears. Pray the Rosary every day to console Me! I want to guide you on the path of LOVE! Thank You!
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit" (In the Matrix of the Immaculate Conception, during the Rosary, at 8:00 p.m.)
Second Apparition
"- My dear children, thank you for coming here to adore My Sacred Son. Here is THAT through which Heaven and Earth were made; enclosed in the Tabernacle for LOVE to you.
Jesus is here to console you, comfort you, and destroy that which is not HIM in you. I want to bring you all to Jesus in the Tabernacle so that you can worship Him and glorify Him.
Worship the Blessed Sacrament without ceasing! I am always present when the faithful are in adoration. At that moment, all graces are possible.
I am kneeling with you in adoration. (in the Tabernacle)
Third Apparition
"My children, do not be surprised that I am here, once again, insisting on Eucharistic Adoration!
Worship Jesus! I am the Mother of the Eucharist! I want to bring you all to Jesus, to deliver you to Him, pure and immaculate. Pray the Rosary every day! The Rosary will prepare you for the tabernacle.
'Jesus, my Son, my GOD, my LIFE. I offer you these 'angels' that I brought here to adore you. Take them, Jesus, take them all for IT, they are YOURSELF.
Jesus! I will keep them in my Immaculate Heart only for YOUR LOVE. Jesus blesses these children of YOURSELF.
Look at Jesus now: - here. here is THE ONE who said, "I have overcome the world. So do not be afraid of your problems and difficulties. Jesus the AMA!
'My GOD, I believe, I love, I hope and I LOVE YOU. I ask forgiveness for all those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love You.
I bless you all with the Sacrosanct Blessing of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.