Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, June 10, 1993
Corpus Christi Party

Today, Feast of the Body of GOD, I come to speak to you about the Eucharist. I tell them this Message with the saddened Heart (I was crying.) I am hurting, crying Tears of BLOOD, because of the lack of LOVE that men have to Jesus in the Eucharist.
The Eucharist, that is, my Son Jesus, must be loved, glorified, adored and desired by all in the Eucharist! I am the Mother of the Eucharist!
I come in the name of the Lord, once again, to give you these warnings. When the Angel of Peace, My Messenger, was sent to Fatima, he appeared to the three little shepherds and taught them the following prayer:
"Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore You profoundly. I offer You the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the earth, in reparation for the outrages, blasphemies, sacrileges and indifference with which He Himself is offended.
I ask You for the infinite merits of Your Most Holy Heart, and for the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the conversion of all poor sinners.
My God, I believe, I adore, hope and love You. I ask pardon of You for all those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love You!
You must say this prayer every day. Jesus is much offended in this Sacrament. Jesus is in the Sacrament for LOVE you. Visit Us! WELCOME Jesus! Pray this prayer before the tabernacle and as you take communion.
These are the times when the Holy Spirit will gather My children all to the foot of the Tabernacle. There I will educate My Mighty Army. Come, children, all of you, and pray! Thank you for your correspondence. Convert yourselves!
I bless you with LOVE. in the name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit".