Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, June 3, 1993
Message of Our Lady

My son, you must lower yourself even more. Be more humble! Fart and do penance! You don't know how much I love you! You were chosen by Myself, the Mother of GOD, to carry out a very important and difficult Mission. Do not be afraid to present yourself as My Messenger. You are of Truth!
I will provoke desire in souls, and I will provoke everyone with My Messages. I am Maria Mystic Rose! I am Mystic because I LIVE in the depths of GOD; I am the Rose because I have been woven and adorned with all the 'privileges' and GIFTS of the Lord.
I desire in you always a great and greater holiness. Wish for holiness, dear children! The first step of holiness is to desire it. Those who do not desire it will not possess it. Wish and seek, for all GIFTS will be given to you in addition: - purity, humility, kindness, fortitude, temperance, fear of GOD.
I call your attention to prayer, especially the Rosary. Those who do not pray it will not sanctify themselves with ease. Pray it, for it is a prayer that leads to humility, simplicity and charity, for it is a simple, humble and trusting prayer! Thank you for everything.
Be converted! That is what I desire! I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.