Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, May 30, 1993
Message of Our Lady

Dear children, I ask you to open yourselves to GOD, as flowers open to the Sun! If you don't open yourself, you will be closed to LOVE, and then you will feel everything that is bad and that is Satan's: - fear, uncertainty, despair, depression.
So dear children, open yourselves to GOD through prayer! For some time I have been announcing to you a Punishment that will come if you do not convert. I am in anguish, because few are converted (when you spoke you had a sad face).
Be converted! Open yourselves to GOD! I am with you and I bless your efforts to be converted.(pause) I bless you in the Name of the Father. of the Son. and of the Holy Spirit.