Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, May 5, 1993
Message of Our Lady

Dear children, prayers must be made with the heart. Very 'machined' prayers, verbally, are not fervent prayers at times. Not that they are not good prayers, it is not that, but they are incomplete.
They must be open, be sincere to GOD. Reflect on what you are praying for! Pray with your heart so that it will be like a 'river of living water' that comes out of you!
Little children, pray with your heart! I have a Mission for each one of you... and I want you all to listen to Me. In prayer, you will understand the Plan I have for each one of you. I, as Mother of Mercy, visit each heart and invite you to follow Me, towards GOD.
Your Mission, my little son, is to show everyone my Mother LOVE and my Plans of Salvation of the world.
I appear in so many places because you resist conversion. That is why I come here and in so many places. Little children, listen to me!
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.