Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, April 17, 1993
Message of Our Lady

My children, My Plan includes each one of you. I wish to lead humanity along the path of Peace!
Satan wishes to destroy My Plans. Pray, to prevent this.
I am very happy with all those who have helped Me accomplish My Plan and I bless them. Pray even more, especially the Holy Rosary!
Satan is furious and aggressive, because he knows that he has little time left to reign in the world. This kingdom is made up of him and all those who have been seduced by his power, in the impure sex, drugs, carnal pleasures and passions, and the violence that is practiced. And this aggressiveness of his can be seen in the thousands of divorces he has provoked, in the youth he has enslaved in sex, drugs, and violence that explode from all sides.
Pray for My TRIUMPHER to happen! If you want the world to be saved, fulfill these requests that Jesus makes through Me.
Live what Jesus taught you in the Gospel; the Gospel is not to "decorate" your houses; it is to be read and lived by everyone!
Thank you for your prayers.
I bless you all today in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.