Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, April 13, 1993
Message of Our Lady

My son, Medjugorje has many relationships with the gift I gave him (that of the Apparitions and of the Inner Vocations). Everything I say to him here is to confirm what I say in Yugoslavia.
Medjugorje is the continuation and conclusion of Fatima.*
Believe in My Manifestations! So many times I came here in Brazil, and you did not believe Me. Believe in what I tell you, believe in the communication I bring you from the Lord.
Today I say to you, "Love one another as Jesus loved you. This sums up the whole Gospel: - LOVE GOD and your neighbor. If you do this you will find happiness.
Pray! Ask for the Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit is LOVE in Person! If you have the Spirit, you will LOVE.
I bless you today from Montichiari, where I came as Mystical Rose, and I bless you with My Solemn Blessing in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
* (Note - Marcos): (Later, on many occasions, as on July 7, 1994, Our Lady would say this about Her Apparitions in Jacareí too, when in a passage of the Message she said:
"- Little children. little children! Since Fatima, I have extended this Holy Work of mine throughout the world. I am your Dear Mother. I am here today, also to bless you. and to say that the Apparitions that I have granted for more than three years in this city, are the continuation and conclusion of Fatima. too.")