Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Monday, March 22, 2021
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga, AM, Brazil

Peace to your heart!
My son, I, your Mother, come from heaven to give you all my love and light, so that you can take it to your brothers and sisters so in need of faith and hope. Many despair in the trials of life, because they do not pray and have turned away from God. Only through prayer can the Lord grant them the graces that will help and strengthen them in love, faith and deep trust in his Merciful Heart. Those who do not pray cannot merit the divine graces nor their protection. They are drawing upon themselves the calamities and sorrows of life. But when a heart darkened by sin and distant from God begins to pray, for him the light of God and His divine presence begins to be perceived and felt in his life in an intense way that penetrates the depths of his soul, changing his life.
Pray, my son, pray for the conversion and salvation of souls. They are precious to God and to me. When a soul is lost and goes to hell, how much pain I feel in my Immaculate Heart. Tears fall from my eyes, for these condemn themselves, because the good ones did not pray or sacrifice enough for those who were without light and without life. From you and from many of my children who listen and believe in my maternal words I ask for more dedication and effort in praying, sacrificing and penance for the conversion and salvation of souls. I am calling all my children all over the world to have this purpose in their lives. I bless and will always bless all those who put this call of mine into practice, and I will help them in their most difficult moments. To you and to all mankind my blessing: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!