Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, December 5, 2020
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace my beloved children, peace!
My children, I your Immaculate Mother, come from heaven to call you to God. God calls you through me to conversion and holiness. Change your lives, my children, as soon as possible. Before the great events and the great pains in the world arrive. Be attentive to the signs of God, there are already so many of them, and many are those who see nothing and hear nothing because they are blind to the works of God, but easily see the deceptions and the works of Satan's darkness acting freely and strongly in the world.
Oh, humanity, when will you decide to listen to God's voice and follow his holy path? My Immaculate Heart suffers because of the hardness and coldness of heart of so many of my children who do not want to convert, my Immaculate Heart bleeds because of the many outrages, blasphemies and ingratitude of all those who do not believe in my maternal words, who mock and ridicule my love as a Mother so dear, holy and precious to God. Oh, how great and terrible and heavy is the justice of God upon these...So terrible that even the Angels in heaven tremble and prostrate themselves with their faces covered before His Divine Throne, and the men on earth take little notice, without the least respect.
I love you, my dear children, and I do not want your eternal damnation. Return to God, return to your holy path. Do not be deceived by Satan's lies and his demonic false doctrines that are being inserted in these times, shamefully inside the House of God, inside the Holy Church as if it were true, but Satan's lies do not save, they lead to hell fire. Open your hearts and the eyes of your souls, because Satan has already caught and deceived many with his errors, don't you also be one of these, who are in danger of damnation. Pray, fast, and sacrifice yourselves for the conversion of poor sinners, and many sad, grave, and serious things can change and be avoided.
Pray my Rosary as a family daily. The families who pray my complete Rosary every day will be preserved from the terrible persecutions, pains and trials that very soon they must endure from Satan's minions who want to destroy them, so that they will have no one left to speak of God and his love. Whoever prays my Rosary daily I promise my maternal protection and deliverance from the hands of evil men corrupted by Satan and they will pass in front of them, move on and these families will not touch them or see them.
Pray, pray, pray and have faith and trust and God will protect you, My children. I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!