Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, July 4, 2020
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace to your heart!
My son, the times of great trials have arrived and many find themselves blind, deaf and dumb to the works of heaven, because Satan has managed to lead them away from the path of the Lord, blinding them with his lies and infernal errors.
What I said at Fatima and now to you in my many apparitions will come true, and humanity will go through its greatest moment of pain and terrible persecutions.
Do not be afraid of the trials, do not be afflicted, but look at my Son Jesus nailed to the cross, and you will find the strength and grace to endure everything for his divine love, without ever denying his words and his eternal truths. Remember: whoever denies the truth does not deserve to be with God in heaven, but with the father of lies in the fire of hell. Do not deny the truth and what you have received from my Divine Son, for whoever denies the truth is making God out to be a liar, and he does not love a lie.
Many today fight the truth, because they live by lies and horrible mistakes, they are contaminated by Satan's deadly poison and are his instruments in this world, to accomplish what he wants: to destroy the Lord's divine works. Pray, pray, pray, my child, and
God will grant the world his grace and forgiveness, so that many closed hearts will open and be converted to his love. I desire the conversion of every heart, I desire to save them from the great calamities that may strike them very soon. Do not remain deaf to my call as Mother, for I am very concerned about the destiny of your souls and your eternal salvation. Change your lives and return to the Heart of my Divine Son, repentant, and he will grant you his forgiveness. Convert yourselves now!
I bless you and give you my peace: in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!