Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace my beloved children, peace!
My children, today many souls are being benefited with the blessings and graces of our Most Holy Hearts. Many of their family members are being consoled and having relief in purgatory and many of them will be set free on the Feast of the Most Chaste Heart of my Spouse Joseph, because of their prayers made today.
The priests have received the mission to be light to souls, so I grant them all many graces to guide and enlighten all the souls entrusted to them, in these difficult and dark times, when the forces of hell wish to prevail and reign triumphant, because of the sins, outrages and lack of faith of so many who no longer believe in the love and power of my Divine Son.
Do not lose faith, but believe ever more. Remember the words that my Son said to Peter when he stretched out his hand to him, 'Man of little faith, why did you doubt? (Matthew 14:31) My Son Jesus is stretching out his hand today to all the priests and asking from each of them faith, faith, faith, for he who has faith like a mustard seed can carry mountains and do great things in his holy name.
My sons priests will be persecuted, but fear nothing, for the Lord will show the unbelievers, through them, the power of his strong arm and grant the priests the strength of his Spirit, just as Jeremiah had the Spirit of the Lord, witnessing his love and his divine words to the hardened-hearted and unbelieving men of his time.
The words that I tell you are not to be hidden or smothered, but to be passed on and known as soon as possible to all my children.
Evil men are at work, but all their evils will be made clear by the light of God. Do not doubt, because Satan wants to destroy you, and many of you are sleeping and letting yourselves be overcome by him, because you do not yet have a strong trust in the Heart of my Son, and you do not pray as I have asked you to do all these years.
Do not easily give yourselves into the hands of the enemy, fight against every evil, you are temples of the Holy Spirit and the Lord has put his Spirit in each one of you and marked you with the seal of his love.
All of you and your families will be his holy people, like the tribes of Israel in the new days prepared by my Son. The places of refuge will be the holy places, God's holy garden, where he will walk and stand among his people who truly love him, living his Laws and his divine words. The world you see today and the life you are used to living will no longer be the same in the days to come, everything will change, by the action of evil men, but do not be afraid, in the end the Lord will give victory to the just, to his children who believe in his love. The triumph of my Immaculate Heart will come, and my triumph will be the joy of all of you, my children of my love.
I bless you and give you my maternal protection: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!