Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace to your heart!
My son, your mother is united with me on the cross. Her daily sufferings and sacrifices, carrying the cross of sickness, have saved many souls for my kingdom of love.
I ask you also, to unite yourself to the merits of my Passion, together with her, so that more and more souls may be restored and converted.
In the silence and hiding of a room, her bed became the altar and the cross where she immolates herself for my love, for the good of my Holy Church, for the conversion and salvation of many rebellious, ungrateful and unworthy Ministers of mine, who wound my Divine Heart with their terrible sins and offenses.
I also called you many years ago to help me, with your prayers, sacrifices and penances to repair so many sins in the world, because my Holy and Divine Love, is not accepted by many, but despised. My Heart suffers for so much ingratitude and coldness.
Allow, my son, that my love may inflame your heart. Accept it! And with it, radiate my light and my grace to your brothers, so that they may desire to belong to God and live for the kingdom of heaven.
I bless you!