Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace my beloved children, peace!
My children, I your Mother, do not tire of calling you to God and to conversion and I will never tire. Come back to the Lord, he is calling you to change your life, to repent of your wrongdoings and hardness of heart.
Do not remain insensitive to his divine call, for it is a holy and loving call, my children. God loves you so much and wants your lives to be filled with his love that heals and delivers your souls from all sickness and evil.
Ask for God's love, so that you may have the grace to bring his forgiveness and light to all your brothers and sisters.
Many are spiritually blinded because of sin and hatred, and their hearts are filled with violence and pride.
Pray for peace intensely and fast, because Satan wants to destroy your planet with wars, with terrible nuclear weapons, that will decimate humanity in a few minutes. Take your Rosaries and pray them more and more, so that the great calamities and sufferings that could strike my poor children very soon will be banished as soon as possible. My children, listen to my voice, live my calls, it is for your good and your happiness that I come from heaven and speak to you.
Convert, convert, convert. Return to your homes with the peace of God. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
The Holy Mother was with her sad physiognomy and in her gaze I could perceive her concern for the fate of humanity, which walks in the wrong direction, which goes against the will of God. She asks us for more prayer and dedication in sacrifices, so that we can repair as soon as possible the terrible sins being committed in the world. Time is precious and we must understand that if we live for the world, we will lose the opportunity to one day be with God in heaven, but if we open our hearts to divine grace and its love, it can lead us by the hands to the Heart of her Son Jesus, the source of eternal life.