Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

As I was lying down, the Blessed Mother woke me up and talked to me saying,
My son, many renounce evil just with words from the mouth to the outside, but remain the same afterwards, because from the heart still come out bad feelings, desires and the will to sin. Fight against sin: forgive and love to merit the healing of the heart, soul and body. Without forgiveness you cannot merit the blessing of my Divine Son that changes and heals your lives.
God asks from everyone a change of life, with sincere repentance. Be at peace!
At 12 noon, right after the procession to the fountain of mercy and grace, the Blessed Mother appeared, blessing all the pilgrims present at the place where she blessed the fountain and told us:
Convert yourselves!.... Pray, pray. Peace! .... From forgiveness comes healing!...Be of God.
In the afternoon, right after the procession with the pilgrims, again Our Lady manifested by the usual time of her daily apparition and spoke to me about the secrets related to Brazil, showing me, during the apparition, great sufferings taking place in the Brazilian nation, through deaths, violence and bloodshed.
Satan desires destruction and death. The Blessed Mother has come to beseech us to pray for peace in Brazil. If we remain deaf, with our hearts hard as stone, the Lord will correct us through persecutions, humiliations, hunger and weeping. Let us heed the call of the Immaculate Mother, and thus the mighty arm of the Lord will still ward off his terrible justice that may strike Brazil very soon.
The Holy Mother on this day also sent me to tell the pilgrims present at her Shrine:
Many do not know how to offer a little sacrifice and penance. They complain about everything, they can't bear to wait a little and go a few minutes hungry, sacrificing their human will. They want their will to be accomplished soon. What will they do when the great punishment comes upon the world? Will you endure the terrible and difficult days to come, when you will have nothing to eat and nothing to drink for more than three months? Don't grumble and don't be ungrateful, my children, learn to do penance and to sacrifice your own desires and human will, so that you won't suffer too much later. Fast. This is the time for fasting, penance, and sacrifice!
Let us learn as soon as possible to sacrifice and penance, because hard times are increasingly at the door, about to occur, and many are not prepared.