Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Friday, September 27, 2019
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber

Peace to your heart!
My son, this is the time that humanity sees two people dressed in white, within my Church. One is Peter and the other is Saul.
Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?...I am Jesus whom you persecute! (Acts 9: 4-5)
My son, bend your knees on the ground, for you will see terrible things happening within my Church. But at the time appointed by me, my Angels at my command will pluck out the tares that have sprung up among the wheat. They will pluck out one by one and throw it into the fire to be burned. Pray and ask everyone to pray, so that they will not lose faith and will not despair.
Prayers, sacrifices and penance I ask of everyone. Who wishes to listen to me? I have been calling humanity for a long time, but it does not listen to me. It does not wish to listen to my Blessed Mother, it outrages her and says that she does not manifest herself in these times, in your days. Ungrateful humanity! You will fall so deep and have no one to console you, because you have made a mockery of the pleas and tears of my Immaculate Mother.
Come back, while you still can, for the day will come when you can do nothing more, and you will see only pain and lamentation fall on your head.
I am here with my Heart in my hand, calling you, so listen to the voice of your God who longs for your conversion and repentance.
Come back, come back, because your days are already hanging by a thread, before life on the face of the earth is purified and renewed. I am here to bless you and to comfort you. Accept my love, accept my call, and you will find life and peace.
I bless you!