Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber

Today, the Holy Family appeared: Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Jesus was large, like a grown man. All three were dressed in white showing their Most Holy Hearts that scattered rays, signs of graces and blessings, over all of us and the whole world. It was Jesus, who gave us the message:
Peace to all of you!
My son, tell your brothers to pray without ever doubting. Doubting hearts, who do not trust, cannot merit My graces.
I am calling them to conversion through my Blessed Mother and my Virgin Father Joseph, but many still have their hearts hard and closed.
I ask all mankind: return to my Heart, that you may merit my mercy. Accept my calls of love, being humble and obedient, before me. Many no longer live a holy and pure life, my son, and are walking the road of perdition that leads to the fires of hell. Intercede for the good of mankind and for the salvation of souls.
Time is precious, so dedicate yourselves for the kingdom of heaven. Do not waste any more your time with the world, listen to my voice and follow the road of conversion that my Mother is pointing out to you.
Pray, pray all men and women, young people and children, because my Divine Heart is already offended to the extreme. I come to ask you for a little love, a little sacrifice, so that many hearts can be enlightened and open to the life of grace.
Do not let yourselves be discouraged by the trials. I give you a little bit of my love and my strength, and I hold you in my arms, so that you have peace and protection. I love you and bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
During the apparition, a few moments, Jesus addressed me, then he addressed humanity and all those present.