Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace my beloved children, peace!
My children, I your Mother, tell you with my Immaculate Heart full of love and peace: do not be sad and do not let yourselves be overwhelmed in the face of trials. God in heaven looks upon you with love and mercy.
Surrender everything into God's hands, for the Lord is not deaf to your prayers and sufferings offered to him with love, as reparation for the sins of the world and for the conversion of sinners.
As Mother of the Church and Mother of all of you I ask you: intensify your prayers for the ministers of God who have not yet understood the call that the Lord makes to you, nor my presence among you.
I have come from heaven to lead you to God, to lift you up when you are down on your knees, wounded by the sins you commit, and without faith and without hope to go forward on God's path.
Take my messages into your hearts and take them to all the afflicted souls who are far from God, with their hearts closed.
Unite in prayer more and more and offer it all for my work of love and my maternal intentions.
I am with you and I will never abandon you. Enter my children, enter my Immaculate Heart, and God will grant you more and more graces and extraordinary blessings that your hearts will exult with joy until the end of your lives.
Return to your homes with the peace of God. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!