Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Today, the Blessed Mother appeared accompanied by St. Joseph who had the Child Jesus in his arms. They were radiant within that heavenly light, imparting strength, peace and love to us. The blessed Mother gave us the following message:
Peace my beloved children, peace!
My children, I your Mother, come from heaven accompanied by my Son Jesus and St. Joseph, to grant you the blessings and graces of heaven.
Do not stray from the Lord's holy path. Do not lose hope and faith. Do not be discouraged. The Lord is with you. He never abandons you. His love for you is eternal and unending. Fight for the kingdom of heaven, despite the trials that arise on your path of conversion. Always bring your brothers the light of God, despite the difficulties you must endure. Courage!
Always bear witness to the truth, for in defending the truth you are defending God Himself, His rights and His honor. These are the difficult times I prophesied to you in the past. Men no longer fear and respect God, they have lost the light of their souls and hearts to follow the illusions and deceptions of the world.
Do not let yourself be overcome by the devil's seductions, because everything he presents to you seems beautiful and splendid, but behind it is sour and bitter and brings eternal death.
Fight the devil's attacks with the Eucharist, with confession, with the Rosary well prayed, and with fasting done with faith. I am here to give you some of my strength and light. Return to your homes with God's peace. With my Son Jesus and Saint Joseph I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
St. Joseph then immediately gave us his message:
My beloved son, God is with you and never abandons you. I too am always with you and with my Sacred Mantle I cover and protect you.
Do not fear those who want to harm you and see your downfall. Fear only him who can harm your soul, if you allow yourself to be carried away by his deceptions and lies.
I am here to be the Protector of your life, your body and your soul. God loves you and wants you well, and my Most Chaste Heart constantly watches over your steps and your salvation. Here, in this place, I leave my blessing and the peace that my Heart is full of. I extend my Sacred Mantle over this place and I pray every day for the intentions and needs, of all those who come here, to implore my help and intercession, before the Heart of my Son Jesus.
My Immaculate Spouse is always beside each one of you, to lead you by the hand, along the path that leads you to heaven. Do not be disobedient to her. Listen to the messages that she has already communicated to you, and live them, because these messages come from God, the Lord of Heaven and Earth.
I welcome you into my Heart and grant you my pure and holy love. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Today the Blessed Mother, prayed together with St. Joseph, asking of the Child Jesus, that we may all grow ever more in faith, love and courage, because we are in need of this to witness God's presence and word to our brothers and sisters, without retreating on our path of conversion, because many, out of fear or shame, are keeping silent and allowing God's honor and teachings to be profaned and spread wrongly to many souls without doing anything.