Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber

Jesus appeared holding in his left hand, the globe, which represented the world, and with his right hand showed us the wound of his Divine Heart. He was all light, shining and this light transmitted strength, peace and consolation to me. From the Heart of Jesus came forth rays, like those of divine mercy that were directed over the world, for the conversion of sinners and the opening of hardened hearts. Jesus transmitted the following message:
My peace be with you and with all your brothers, my son!
I am going to purify my Church and humanity even more, because many do not hear me, they are deaf to my voice and to the calls that my Blessed Mother makes in many places.
Do not close your hearts to my Mother's voice, but listen to her, because I have sent her to earth, in the midst of my children, to accomplish the wonders of her maternal love, for the salvation and good of all her children who wish to listen and welcome the messages she transmits to you and to so many others, with much love and concern.
My son, how many hearts are hardened and closed to divine grace, because they are ruined in sin.
Many do not love and adore me anymore, do not recognize my Majesty and Divinity, because they no longer believe in anything. Many hearts are shelters of so many sins and demons, that have managed to seduce and deceive many souls.
Fight for heaven and tell your brothers and sisters that God is in a hurry, that each one hastens his or her conversion, because I will very soon, punish mankind of its crimes. Those who live in sin and do not want to repent of the evil they have done, will suffer a lot.
Pray my son, pray for the conversion of sinners, and console my Divine Heart, Heart outraged and unloved, but that has allowed itself to be wounded and pierced for love and for the salvation of each one of you. I have allowed a wound to be opened in my Divine Heart, so that all of you may enter it, through it, to be protected against the Divine Justice that wishes to punish the rebellious sinners, their crimes and disobedience.
Be faithful to me, the Lord, and you will never see eternal death, but my Divine Light that will lead you in this world to the glory of my kingdom. He who believes in me will never die eternally. I am the True Life and the Eternal Truth.
I love you, and I am here to grant you and humanity my peace. Receive my blessing, the blessing that heals and delivers from all evil: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!