Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Thursday, June 14, 2018
Message from Saint Joseph to Edson Glauber

Peace my beloved son!
My son, envy, pride and lack of love are the ruin of many souls. Do not let yourself be stopped in your mission, but spread to all the great love of God for men, evangelize so that hearts are opened and souls are purified.
The time you dedicate to write this appeal, this call that heaven gives you, is very precious and holy. Even if it seems impossible for you, but this meeting of ours was in God's plan, for the good and salvation of many souls.
Allow yourself to be used by heaven so that he can manifest his love and concern for humanity. Many will benefit when they read these words, when they know the tenderness and love of our Most Holy Hearts.
Pray for the proud and the unbelieving because there are so many of them. Appease the Divine Justice that weighs on them, otherwise there will be no salvation for many. Offer yourself for the conversion of sinners and God will lift you up more and more, making you overcome every barrier and obstacle, because he is always faithful to his Divine promises to those who serve him and are faithful to him. I bless you!