Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Friday, February 16, 2018
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber

Today Jesus appeared accompanied by Our Lady. He was holding a large wooden cross and was showing me His Holy luminous Wounds. Our Lady was beside him silently, in an attitude of prayer, attentive to what her Divine Son was going to communicate to the world. On this night, it was Jesus who transmitted his message:
My peace be with you, my peace I give you so that you may be converted, change your lives, and be happy!
My son, once again I come from heaven to unite with you and all those who want to be mine, listening to my call to holiness, which I make so often, through my Immaculate Mother.
I seek repairing souls, but I find so few. Many do not know how to decide for the kingdom of heaven, but are imprisoned in the world, through the many sins they commit. Tell everyone that God comes to claim his rights, comes to ask for the honor, love and respect that are due to him, but that they no longer exist in many families and in many hearts, and to the greater pain of my Divine and afflicted Heart, not even within many Churches.
Cold, hardened and lifeless hearts are what I see, coming to Holy Mass as living corpses, because the devil has seduced and destroyed them with so many passions and sins.
If there is no reparation, humanity will never be able to deserve My mercy. The soul that knows how to make reparation for its sins will never be separated from my love or from my Divine Heart. Let every first Friday of every month be the day to learn to be mine and to offer the Eternal Father praise, adoration, gratitude, and reparation through my Divine Heart.
Here is my Cross, here are my Holy Wounds opened for love of each one of you, so that you may draw from them the blessings and graces that will make you worthy of heaven, so that you may be united with the Holy Trinity.
Receive my love in your hearts, welcome with faith my divine words, true manna from heaven, that fortifies and nourishes your souls, that heals the wounds of your hearts and gives you peace.
Pray, pray, pray the Rosary to my Immaculate Mother. Once again I ask you and tell you that those who pray the Holy Rosary faithfully and lovingly will know in depth the sweetness of my Sacred Heart.
I love you and bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!