Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

My beloved child, holiness is to love God, to be all His in mind, words, body, heart and soul and to love your neighbor, even those who persecute you and wish you harm.
Love bears all things and forgives all things. Enter into my Immaculate Heart to learn to love.
See, how many blind souls, beginning with priestly souls? They are like this because they have become easy prey of satan, they have become his puppets for fun, leading them down the easy road of pleasures, passions, money and power.
Priestly souls who should be light for many faithful, who should pray, make amends, sacrifice themselves for the salvation of the sheep entrusted to them.
At least you, my son, who hear my words, who see the pains of my Mother's Heart, who suffer because of my rebellious and ungrateful children, offer yourself and make reparation for a greater good, so that Divine Justice may turn away from all my children and let itself be overcome by mercy.
Therefore, I ask you for love, forgiveness, and reparation, and so each day, you will learn from my Heart to be more pleasing and perfect to God.
Do not let yourself be overwhelmed by trials. Do not let yourself be overcome by the world or by temptations. Be strong, firm in faith, seek strength in my Son in the Eucharist. He will never abandon you, never leave you alone. Believe, believe more and more, because the Lord uses you for great things. He wants to make the Amazon a source of great graces for the world. He wants to irradiate from Itapiranga the rays of His merciful Heart for humanity.
Never feel alone. I am always at your side defending you and your whole family. I bless you and give you my peace: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!