Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace my beloved children, peace!
My children, I your Heavenly Mother, come with my Heart in my hand to beseech you to repent of your sins and to change your lives as soon as possible.
God asks you to hasten your conversion. Many are being disobedient to their holy calling and do not want to abandon their wrong attitudes. Disobedience and sin will not take you to heaven, my children, but to hell.
Do not be disobedient and do not remain deaf to my motherly call. Great suffering will strike Brazil and the world in such a short time, and my Heart bleeds for the pain and suffering that many of my children will have to endure.
Secretly they are setting traps so that much blood will be spilled in Brazil. Pray and bend your knees to the ground, asking for forgiveness and mercy from the Lord.
Do not be children of hardened and closed hearts. Humanity has been blinded by sin, and what I have revealed in many apparitions around the world will be fulfilled, because the Lord can no longer bear so much sin and disobedience in the world.
Come back, my children, come back now, for God is calling you to conversion, forgiveness, and peace. Return to your homes with God's peace. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
The Blessed Mother was very sad today as she said this message. She was showing her Immaculate Heart in her right hand, this Pure and Holy Heart, which loves God so much and loves us, but which is offended and outraged because of the many sins being committed throughout the world. Our Lady asks us for reparation and prayer, in order to avoid the great calamities that could strike humanity very soon. It is up to us now, to decide, if we want to accept this invitation to change our lives or if we want to continue in our wrong attitudes and endure the great punishments that will soon strike ungrateful humanity.