Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Friday, August 5, 2016
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

In the early morning of August 05, I could not sleep. I tried to close my eyes, but I could not sleep, because I felt Our Lady's presence near me and her voice resounded in my heart, calling me, to be awake, watching and praying. In my heart, I was saying many prayers and pleading God's mercy for sinners and for peace in the world. At 05:00, she called me to get up and write her motherly message to all her children all over the world:
Peace my beloved son, peace to your heart, to your family and to all humanity!
I your Mother am here to welcome you into my Immaculate Heart. I welcome you and all those who wish to enter it with their consecration made with faith and love, but for them to be in my Heart they need to welcome with their hearts too, the messages that I communicated to you and your mother long ago, in this place blessed by my Most Holy presence. I am the Queen of the Rosary and of Peace, I am your Most Holy Mother and Mother of all humanity. Love and peace I give you, but love and conversion I ask of you, so that peace may reign among all my children.
Many do not want to convert. They have time for many things, but for the salvation of their souls, no! For the works of God they are filled with so many occupations, making excuses to the Lord, putting off until tomorrow the change of life.
Son, tell your brothers: he who has no time for God has no desire to go to heaven. Who doesn't have time for God on earth, will have time for all eternity to be in hell with the devil, because time passes in this world and God calls them, through me, to conversion. I address myself to all my children in the whole world: convert without delay! The justice of God will be strong, as great and terrible will be the day of the Lord, when he will wipe off the face of the earth with the power of his mighty arm.
A great wave of pain and persecution will come upon the Church, and much blood will be shed. Many of God's ministers will be delivered into the hands of ravenous wolves as easy prey. They will have no voice to speak out and to defend themselves, because they will be silenced, but God sees everything!
In Brazil, traps and conflicts are hidden and will make many of my children suffer. Brazil will be purified in pain and blood, because the sins of impurity are so many. I came to Itapiranga to welcome into my maternal Heart those who wish to be saved, those who wish to be inside the Heart of my Divine Son.
Do not remain deaf to my voice. Do not be incredulous. Come back, come back to the Lord. Do not get attached to the world, nor to material things. Money and power will not lead you to God, but to hell, because many let themselves be corrupted by greed and selfishness.
Who is willing to share his bread with his brother? Who is the one who is sinless and can cast the first stone against his neighbor? Who is prepared to stand before the great Throne of God? Come back, my children, come back while there is still time. Listen to my voice.
Here I have come to call you to God. Here I have come to give you my love and my blessing. Now I tell you: bring light where there is darkness, proclaim and defend truth where lies and death reign. Bring God's love to those who do not have it.
I bless you, my son, and all those who came to Itapiranga to honor me and to listen to my call: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
The Blessed Mother before leaving, told me to wait for St. Michael to come at 09:00, because she and Jesus were sending him to communicate an important message to us. She asked that her and St. Michael's message be read right after the procession and apparition in the afternoon.