Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Peace to your heart!
My son, enter into my Heart to be warmed by the love of God. Enter into my Heart to learn to belong to God. Enter into my Heart to belong totally to God. Through my Heart I wish to lead you to God, you first, so that you may experience the grace and love of which it is inflamed and full, so that you may lead to the Lord, through the devotion he has revealed to you an uncountable number of souls, an infinite multitude of souls to heaven.
My Heart watches over you and over all those who have recourse to my protection. My Heart welcomes you, my son, warms you and invigorates your strength when you are down with fatigue. Do not be discouraged, courage, because we still have many souls to save for the kingdom of heaven. The mission of the one who trusts and surrenders himself forever into the hands of the Lord will never end, but will continue forever in heaven and will shine on the lives of many, illuminating and showing everyone the path of salvation that leads to God.
God chose you first and called you. He set his gaze on you long ago and prepared you to make yourself known and loved to the whole world.
The Lord has many graces to grant you the more you trust in his divine love and protection.
These graces I am obtaining for you, so that you may faithfully fulfill your mission in this world, and so that you may know how to help and console the souls entrusted to you, who will come to you to know the love of my Heart and my protection.
Allow divine grace to act in your life more and more, allow God to use you as he wishes. Be obedient to the voice of his grace, to the inspirations of his love, and you will walk safely in this world, overcoming every darkness and every evil.
Yes, I extend my blessing and protection over your family and pray for it, before the Lord, as I also welcome all those you entrust to my Heart.
I give you my peace and my blessing: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Immediately afterwards, the Blessed Mother transmitted her message to me:
My son, God desires that the Heart of my Spouse Joseph be invoked, known and loved by all souls.
The families who consecrate themselves to his Most Chaste Heart will obtain a profusion of graces from heaven and will be preserved from so many evils, as well as from the divine justice that is about to befall all mankind.
The peace of Brazil is threatened and in danger! Pray more and more, Brazilian people, because evil men are already plotting in secret to make many of my children suffer. My Spouse José and I are praying, before the Throne of God, for all the families that are threatened and that could go through great sufferings.
Fast and make adorations before the Blessed Sacrament, asking for forgiveness of your sins and for Divine mercy for you, for all the Brazilian people and for the whole world. Take your rosaries and pray with more faith and love. I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!