Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace my beloved children, peace be with you all!
I, your Immaculate Mother, love you immensely and I come from heaven to tell you that the Lord invites you to conversion and holiness through me.
Without prayer you will not be able to walk in this world that is becoming more and more involved in Satan's darkness, because it does not pray.
Be strong in faith and faithful to God. Do not doubt, but be obedient to the calls that God makes to you through me.
My Son Jesus has not sent me from heaven to tell you useless things, but holy words that lead you to His Divine Heart. This is the hour of your return to Him, who awaits you with His forgiveness and love.
My children, leave the things of the world, for excessive attachments take you away from heaven and God. Be simple, humble, and good to one another. Do not want to have and to possess much, for much will often not help you to do God's will, but may be the reason why you will distance yourself more and more from Him. Want to have the graces of heaven. Desire to belong to God completely, and you will have the true peace that changes and transforms everything.
I love you, and with my Immaculate Heart full of love, I invite you to follow me on the road of prayer that will save the world and save many souls for heaven.
Pray, pray for the Church. Pray a lot for the Ministers of God, because they will be persecuted and suffer a lot. I bless you with the blessing of peace and love. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
When Our Lady spoke that the Ministers of God would be much persecuted and suffer much I understood that many would go through this because of their infidelities to God and sins committed, but others would be unjustly attacked and martyred by evil men who will attack Holy Church in cruel ways. Let us therefore pray a lot for Holy Church, which will go through its most crucial and painful moment, because it is being shaken in its foundations, suffering terrible attacks from the forces of darkness. In these attacks many priestly souls will be destroyed if we do not listen to the appeals of the Blessed Mother.