Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

The peace of my Divine Son to all of you!
Here I am, standing before all of you, to bless you and grant you my love. Do not be afraid to carry your cross, for it sanctifies and saves many who are far away and almost no chance of salvation.
Pray for those who sin and offend the Divine Heart of Jesus, who loves humanity so much, but from it receives only insults, lack of respect, and offenses that violently wound Him.
Pray to have the strength to offer your cross, when God asks you to carry it. I am at your side, and with my protective mantle I welcome and protect you. Return to your homes with God's peace. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
During the apparition, I saw St. Joseph so beautiful and majestic, wearing a light green mantle and a beige robe. He was holding a lily in his right hand and on his left side, suddenly my Italian friend Maria Chiara appeared holding his left hand. She was wearing a beautiful white robe and a crown of roses on her head. Behind them appeared many, many young people. I understood that they were the souls that Maria Chiara saved for Jesus with her offering, pains and sufferings.
St. Joseph said to me:
Courage!...On the cross with Jesus Satan is overcome and many souls are saved for heaven. Many young people still need to be saved and many more need to be led back to the path of truth. Fight, fight without ceasing for the conversion and salvation of sinners.
St. Joseph made me understand in his gaze full of love, that Jesus stands before us not as the one who accuses us and who stands with the stone in his hand to throw and stone us, like those who wanted to kill the adulterous woman, but he stands before us with his hand outstretched to us as the merciful King, showing us his Heart full of love, to lift us up and save us.
Then St. Joseph slowly went up to heaven with Maria Chiara and all those souls saved.