Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you!
Beloved children, once again, by order of my Divine Son, I come from heaven to bless you and to ask you to intensify your prayers and sacrifices for the good of the world and the salvation of souls.
My children, times are bad. Many of my children are blinded by the devil. Young people are destroying themselves with impurities and drugs; families are no longer united and priests have grown cold in their faith and love for God.
These are the times foretold by me in the past. If you want to remain upright and faithful to the Lord you must sacrifice more, pray much, and renounce the world. Many do not pray as I have asked them to, but have time to do many other things that do not lead them to heaven.
Abandon sin. Be of God, consecrate yourselves daily to my Immaculate Heart. Here in my Heart I warm you with the love of God. Here in my Heart I desire to grant you the graces and blessings of heaven.
Be my beloved children, who console the Heart of Jesus. Apostles of the last times, wake up! Do not fall asleep, but rise with courage and fight for the kingdom of God. Bring light where there is darkness. Bring peace where there is hatred. Do not turn away from me, for I will lead you to the safe harbor of salvation. My Divine Son is grieved with the world and desires to advance its justice. I am coming from heaven to intervene on behalf of humanity, as for the Brazilian people.
Take my words into your hearts and put them into practice, otherwise you will see great suffering and pain strike the world, as never before in the history of mankind. The streets of many cities will be filled with blood and in ashes, destroyed by fire. Notice, notice, notice the terrible sins, for they are attracting a terrible punishment that will come and destroy everything.
Men do not want to obey God, but he is the Lord and his divine power will act. Whoever is inside my Immaculate Heart will also be inside the Heart of Jesus, which is full of mercy and love.
Receive my motherly blessing and take it to all your brothers and sisters. Return to your homes with the peace of God. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!