Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber

Peace to your heart!
Do not be troubled. Never lose your peace! I am here beside you, I, your only refuge and protection. Only I can comfort you and I can be the true joy of your heart.
Fear nothing, for I am with you and with all those who hear and live the calls of my Divine Heart, which I communicate to all, through my Most Holy Immaculate Mother.
Come, let me take care of you. Enter into my Heart, remain within it, and the storm will pass and do you no harm.
I am here to bless all the families of the whole world and the peoples without peace. Come back, come back to my merciful Heart to have peace and blessings for your lives and for your families. I give you my peace and bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Jesus was very close to me, looking at me with his Heart full of love. His presence gave me a great peace and I felt protected, completely, and even if everything around me was collapsing I could not destroy this moment so holy and so sublime, because he was there with me.
Jesus then continued to convey his message as if he were speaking to all of Brazil:
Brazil will suffer much for being disobedient, because it does not listen to me or obey me, remaining deaf to my voice. Those who govern Brazil will deliver it into the hands of the wicked who will do endless atrocities. You will still see much persecution, much bloodshed and much destruction. Pray, pray Brazilian people, pray because the heavy cross is coming. Come back now and I will give you peace, otherwise you will suffer much.